Репортаж Reelnews об акции Free Pussy Riot! at Russian Embassy in London

Apr 25, 2012 10:23

In February, the feminist punk band Pussy Riot stormed into Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow and to perform their anti Putin song “Punk prayer”. Ekaterina Samusevich, Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, alleged members of Pussy Riot, were arrested in March, and are charged with “Hooliganism”. They face up to 7 years in jail. Amnesty International has called for their immediate and unconditional release, and said the excessive penalty they are facing makes them prisoners of conscience.

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At a trial last Thursday they were remanded for another 2 months in jail, although two of the defendants have young children.

On Monday, 23 April, about 100 people, many of whom wearing neon balaclavas, the trade mark of Pussy Riot, protested outside the Russian Embassy in London, demanding “Free Pussy Riot!”.

Update: Video of the performance that has three young women imprisoned:

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london, maria alyokhina, nadezhda tolokonnikova, видео, Мария Алехина, video, pussy riot, Лондон, Надежда Толоконникова

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