A New Year

Jan 03, 2005 02:45

My New Year was all right. Drifted off to sleep fifteen minutes before midnight, then was rudely awakened by what sounded like an explosion at 11:58pm. I guess someone was in a hurry to celebrate or was too buzzed to notice they were a tad early. Either way, I wasn't very happy for being scared awake. lol. I'm not sure what it was, even though I heard it about five times. It didn't sound like any sort of fireworks or a gun. Maybe a rifle? Whatever it was, it was terribly loud and shook the house. Kind of got mad again when they kept at it since this is a family development. If I were a child and woke up to that noise, I'd be absolutely terrified. I could see someone making such a noise if they weren't surrounded so closely by neighbors on all sides, but it was very inconsiderate of whoever was doing that. Ah, don't I sound old and proper. I'm turning into my grandmother. Maybe next year I'll go outside after them in my granny gown, robe and hair curlers, then ask what is wrong with them before telling them to keep the damn noise down "you sons of...". My grandmother has a very colorful vocabulary. I won't quote what all she would say before and after that. ;)

Anyway, my concentration level has gone up since I started replying to comments. If I was rather quiet in some, then the words left my mind before I could write them down. I seem to have my moments at times, but mostly not now. Lovely how the mind gets when we are sick. Can't even concentrate on my fav movie, The Lost Boys, and that is bad.

How have I changed within the last year?

+ I wear lighter clothes, not as much black.
+ Oddly enough considering the above, I'm more into darker music now. Complex, huh?
+ Felt better physically due to watching what I ate or drank (not as much spicy food, tomato sauce, or dairy each week; no caffienated beverages, well one, but I paid for that)
+ Tried to find more of a balance between me and everyone else (sort of..better at it in warmer weather since I can go outside often)
+ Discovered a few new things about myself.
+ More content with my life now. Don't focus at all on marriage or kids, just joke about it.
+ Have more of a goal for my future, as well as a back-up plan.
+ And best of all, I'm taller! nah, just wishful thinking. :P

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Become an online stalker.

Get your resolution here

Now who will I stalk? Hmm. You know, there was one of these things awhile back saying how _surrounded, Kat, had been stalking me by calling, then hanging up. Well, payback is a b!tch. ;)

I do a lot of deep thinking when I'm alone (no laughing!). Got to thinking one day, then heard a comment about not knowing our own thoughts before our mind does. This got me to wonder about that. Ever had one of those moments where you say something you didn't mean to say? I believe this is called foot-in-mouth syndrome. Dreadful little condition it is. I realized how often this happens to me. Then I began to wonder how often I do hear my own thoughts before speaking them. I came to the conclusion that a little gnome takes up residence in our minds. He lives deep inside our mind and is born right with us. When our mind thinks something that would get us in trouble if we didn't think before saying it, the trickster gnome then scurries to the top where he tells the fairy (everyone has to have a neighbor so they don't get lonely) to sprinkle fairy dust on our mind. The dust acts as a way to make our inner ear deaf, so that we can't hear the thought before it is produced through our vocal cords. I think they are at their prime when we are children since we always say the wrong thing then. As we get older, they get more tired and don't have quite as much energy to climb up anymore. Then we become senior citizens who always know the right thing to say because the gnome will pull his back again if he tries to climb out to get the fairy. Yelling at her to use the dust doesn't work either since her hearing isn't the best anymore. Poor little gnome and fairy. So, that is my conclusion. I'm obviously joking around though. I think. ;)

I didn't make a New Years resolution since I always forget them. I do make goals throughout the year though. Those are to always practice compassion, open up a bit more, gain more weight, no smoking, be happy and always stay in touch with the laughing, imaginative child within.
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