Half My Life Ago

Mar 22, 2009 10:56

This little meme is going around Facebook, but I decided to bring it back over here. Fun!

****15 YEARS AGO (1994)****
1) How old were you? 15
2) Who were you dating? no one. I probably went out with someone during that year, but nothing that mattered.
3) Where did you work? I had a summer baby sitting job in St. Louis. It was fun living in a city with my dad for a summer.
4) Where did you live? Cobden, IL.
5) Where did you hang out? I spent a lot of time in the woods. Also, about half way through my fifteenth year we moved across town to a house that became a bit of a hang out.
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? no
7) Who were your best friends? At fifteen ... I guess it was Becky, Cara, Hannah, Gabrielle, Amber ... I got to know Christina that year, too.
8) How many tattoos did you have? 0
9) How many piercings did you have? On in each ear.
10) What kind of car did you drive? I was learning to drive on a little red Nissan Pulsar. It was a cute little hatchback with a standard transmission and an exhaust system that got glued back together so many times it was amazing it kept running.
11) Had you been to a real party? yeah. Cara threw some pretty cool parties out at her place. Becky hand one or two, too.
12) Had you had your heart broken? no.
13) Were you Single/taken/Married/Divorced? marriage was for losers.
14) Any Kids? No

***10 YEARS AGO (1999)***
1) How old were you? 20
2) Who were you dating? Ray. Geez, we've been together for a long time.
3) Where did you work? The Math department at the University of Illinois.
4) Where did you live? Urbana, Illinois
5) Where did you hang out? Ground south, 2 North, and 3 South in Allen Hall (my dorm), The H01 (some friends' house), the coffee shop in the Union
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? no
7) Who were your best friends? Jacob, Tim, Ray, Duck, Hadas, Erin W., Erin B. That was also the year I got to know Gen.
8) How many tattoos did you have? 0
9) How many piercings did you have? 5
11) Had your heart broken? Yes
12) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? I was dating Ray all that year. Taken.
13)Any Kids? no
14)What kind of car did you have? No car. I had a bike, though. And a bus pass.

****TODAY (2009)****
1) Age? 30
2) Where do you work? no comment.
3) Where do you live? Seattle, WA
4) Who are you dating? Ray and I go out on dates.
5) Who are your closest friends? Ray, my family, Sze-lyn, Erin, Gen
6) Do you wear contacts/glasses? no
7) Do you talk to your old friends? Yes!
8) How many piercings do you have? 5
9) How many tattoos? 1
10) What kind of car do you have? I have an '05 Honda Civic hybrid.
11) Had your heart been broken? Yes.
12) How many kids? 0
13) Are you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? married!
14) Do you have a really great pet? I have an awesome puppy named Oliver, and a evil, but cuddly little kitty called Morgan.

meme, college, high school

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