(no subject)

Jun 14, 2006 12:39

Hello, my name is Matt, and I have a splitting headache!

I've finally made an appointment with an allergist.

Back in January I was having hearing issues (which is nothing new) so I visited an audiologist. I had/have moderate conductive hearing loss in both ears, which means middle ear issues usually caused by fluid in the middle ear from allergies or an infection. My hearing is perfect otherwise as the audiologist did other tests to make sure there wasn't nerve damage, and apparently by that test I have no hearing loss whatsoever. The audiologist referred me to a head, nose, and throat specialist.

The specialist looked in my ears and noted that I had a lot of fluid in my ears, which was the cause of my eardrum not vibrating (the audiologist freaked out when she did the test to determine how well my ear drums vibrate) which caused my hearing loss. His suggestions were to get tubes in my ears (I had them about 6 times a kid) or to see an allergist. So, after a long wait I'm going to see an allergist.

My entire family has allergy issues and I'm the only person to never have gotten allergy shots. If the ear specialist is correct, I probably could have avoided my numerous ear infections as a kid and hearing loss, all possible result of allergies.

The ear specialist I saw as a kid always put tubes in my ears. They'd fall out, he'd put them back in. I've had my adenoids removed, sinuses drained, and god knows what else to solve my ear issues...nothing has worked, I don't think.

Looking back, I become frustrated that the symptoms and not the cause of my ear problems were addressed. I firmly believe that in even everyday situations, to solve any problems, go to the source of the matter and not the effect.

-- There are times that I have to equalize my ears (per doctor's suggestion) to improve my hearing. I freak out because I can hear every freaking thing around me...it's really odd.
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