Apr 07, 2006 14:26
A lot has been going on. At least it seems like it. Maybe it's just because everything is finally coming together and it is good.
I will be observing at a volleyball thing Saturday from 10:30-1:00. Then I head over to the Coliseum for gymnastics observation from 2-6. That's 7.5 hours of observation. So that puts me at 40.5, meaning I only have 4.5 left to be finished. So I think I'll just stay an extra 30 minutes at either track or football and finish them up this next week!! It feels so nice not to be as far behind as I was last semester! I had to do like 10 hours so I spent an entire weekend at a swim tourney.
Also, no CBIO labs next week. So it works out so well if I stay an extra 30 minutes at football (I won't have to bust my ass to get to lab). Then I give the last practical the week after and I'll be done!
Not only does all this free up time for me to not do ANYTHING, but most importantly to me, it frees up my availability at Hibbett. Yeah, I know, I'm a loser. But as it is, I work Thursday and Friday nights, Saturdays and Sundays. Trust me, it sucks. So if I can work Wednesdays sometime between 12-close and anytime on Friday (potentially not closing), then I will hopefully be scheduled for less hours on the weekend or actually off for a day! Even though it's hella late in the semester, it's good news.. because the end of the semester is when you don't want to do as much!
Speaking of Hibbett, one of my managers is leaving for Sam's Club and the other is getting his own store in Gainesville. Since I have to move out of the dorms after finals, I'm going to be staying with my sister in Gainesville. I asked Randy to keep me on the schedule, just with longer shifts to make it worth the drive. Then Randy suggested I transfer up to Gainesville to Owen's store for those few weeks. So that's what'll happen most likely.
For those of you in Athens for the summer, no worries! I won't be that far away! Well, at least for May!
My physics exam yesterday tore me a new one. And everybody else. Surely he will curve this one. If not, I can just about kiss my C average goodbye.. unless I do well enough on the final to replace this grade.
For fun, since I love it.. you may think I'm a nerd. Which is totally cool with me.
Paramecia as Pets
Very tiny; takes up little space
Cannot be seen with the naked eye
Does not need to be walked.
Will never, ever respond to it's own name
Kind of cute, in it's own way
Has a part called a "food vacuole"
Will not run away
Hard to form any sort of bond with