Nov 21, 2009 10:42
So yeah just realized I haven't posted in almost three months. It has been a crazy time indeed.
We are now more or less completely moved in to the house. The more: all of our stuff is here in some way, the old guy's stuff is almost all gone, and every room is at least 75% set up. The less: a lot of our belongings are still boxed up in the garage or in corners, and we won't be able to remedy a lot of that until it gets warm again. But we're hoping to get some tulip and crocus bulbs planted today so we'll have flowers first thing in spring. And Ty's fish and inside flowers are very happy.
In other news I may have actually succeeded in getting an early morning position at work. One of our bakers had to "seek other employment opportunities" (three guesses what that means) so as soon as I found out I talked to our HR about taking over the position. It would be a slight pay cut as it's a demotion, but Ty and I would be on almost the exact same schedule then. I would still have to work every other weekend but at least our sleeping patter wouldn't get so fried. From the sounds of it as of Wednesday night I've pretty much got the job (no one else applied and they think I'd be really good in the position) but they want to wait until after Christmas at least to switch me over so that overnights doesn't get short handed right as our loads will start to explode. So fingers crossed that this will be my last month working overnights at Target.
Oh, another cool thing, my grandmother is turning 90 on Thanksgiving day. 90, can you believe it? Unfortunately I have to work so we won't be able to make it there then, but I should have a few days around Christmas off so we'll see her then. She knows we both work in fields that get crazy this time of year so she understands. Besides one of my uncles can't make it up there until Christmas either so it'll all work out.
Well I guess that's the big update. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.
Later Days.