Jun 22, 2009 06:22
Not much new has been going on so I haven't really posted. But my Dad informed me that I was being asked about a little bit at Faire rehearsals so I suppose I better update something so y'all who read this can pass on the not deadness of me.
Househunting: sucks. We still haven't heard back about an offer we put in on a house A MONTH AGO. We're going to look at a few more houses today that are much closer to our desired end of our price range (especially with what the interest rates have been doing) but if we don't find one we like we might just give up and renew our lease here. I mean we have to let the apartment know by the 30th and the guy working with the bank to sell the house said it might still be another 10-20 days until we hear back. Then we'd have to hope that they accept the offer. Then we'd have to do an inspection and hope nothing was seriously/expensively wrong. Then we could sign all the paperwork and hopefully get a closing date before our lease ran out. So yeah, we'll hopefully make a decision by tomorrow.
Work: Not so bad actually. My one co-work still pisses me off to no end, but that's more cuz he's an egotistical control freak than anything else, and I'm working on not letting it bother me too much. Anyways I put in for a new position. It's still Target (ugh) but it would be early mornings instead of overnights, so the schedule would be much closer to Tyson's and I'd have a semi normal sleep pattern, and times when people could actually call me to do stuff or just talk. Still haven't talked to the ETL doing the interviews and such, dont' even know how many interviews I"ll have to do actually as I'm already a TL, but we'll see. The one sort of downside is that it's for a Freezer/Dairy position. Yes, I would be in a cooler or freezer working with food all day long. However, two of the TLs I would actually consider my friends at work, work that same shift so we'd be able to hang out and such, which is good.
Home: Everything is doing okay here. The puppy is just over a year old now and still crazy as ever. His new love? Frisbee. Seriously when he knows we are going out to play frisbee he will start whining, and yipping and just making all kinds of "hurry up, come on, lets go" noises. Its very cute. The house is also getting over run with Tyson's hobby. Fish breeding. Yes, fish breeding. We currently have 5 tanks running with altogether around 70 fish I think, that's including the fry in the one tank. In order to try and get on board, I have agreed to start my own little tank set soon. I"m only getting two 10gallons and I'm going to raise fancy guppies. They are exceedingly easy apparently. He's got mostly shell dwellers, and yes it's all greek to me too.
Oh and we've picked strawberries twice this year already. The second time I got sunburnt though and it really hurts. All over my shoulders, yuck. I think once it heals I'm going to start trying the tanning bed that they have in the fitness center here at the apartments. I would like to tan once in my life rather than turning four shades of red.
Alright. I guess that's it for my big update.
Later days.