I'm behind the times on this meme thing
thez challenged everyone to complete. During the summer it's like I go into social hibernation. I surf the net, oh yes, but I don't go to social websites. I don't call people. I don't email. I might try to foster a love of letter writing. I don't have to directly talk to anyone, and responses won't be as quick as email.
1. First Name: Meghan. I'm actually not entirely sure of the meaning. I think it's "pearl" which, of course, is so me. Upon googling I find it does mean "pearl". I also get various European origins. My mom named me after the main character from The Thorn Birds which I have yet to read. I also know that she named me with the specific intent of calling me Meg when I got older, which I fouled up by going through a stint where I didn't want to be called anything but my full name.
2. Age: 25. Quarter of a century. People I know are getting married, have gotten married, have jobs careers, have kids, pay rent, have their own car insurance... I could go on. I am so not mentally at this age. I'll probably have some sort of dissociative breakdown at 26.
3. Location: Phoenix. Lived here my whole life (with a slight detour to Tucson). Will probably live here 'til I die unless someone pulls me kicking and screaming to another location. I don't even think I'd move Glendale.
4. Occupation: Paraprofessional. Fancy name for Special Ed aide. Gotta help kids while curbing the impulse to verbally and/or physically assault them. My ability to do this is wearing thin. While I still see this job as a stop on my way to becoming a teacher, I'm actually starting to wonder if I won't be one of those teachers that just burns out because the job is too stressful.
5. Partner: No partner. From theoretical standpoints I sometimes think I'd like to date, then I really think about it... and it's too much work. I see someone I might be interested in. Are they cute? Sure. Do I enjoy their company? Yeah, it's all right. Is my enthusiasm for this person enough that I'd put their own well being before my own? That I'd put in an effort to repair the relationship after an argument? That I'd be comfortable letting them know how I feel about them in my squishy, mushy, cardiac muscle? That I'd expose myself to cooties by embarking on a physical relationship? Nah, too much work.
6. Kids: My feelings about this are a lot like my feelings about dating. Potentially too much work. Plus, if you are a good parent, your kid will never love you as much as you love them. I find the possibility for heartbreak very disconcerting.
7. Brothers/Sisters: Sister... yeah. I know there was a time when I felt like I was friends with her, but we were so young, that I can't help but see the relationship as situational. She's basically a screw up that I can only pray is on the way to setting her life back in order. And as much as I hope to have a positive relationship with her someday, I've been left so jaded by her actions, that it doesn't seem feasible. She's my sister, I love her, so I hope at least for a pleasantly tolerable relationship.
8. Pets: One Husky mutt named Nikita. Nikki has no discipline, because I don't care to discipline her. She is very sneaky and black and ominous looking in the shadows of the night. She could be a ninja if she wasn't such a wuss.
9. List the three to five biggest things going on in your life:
These are lackluster, because I have no life.
1. I'm taking care of my niece this summer, and this week I'm actually the only person taking care of her while my parents are on vacation. She has to wake me up in the morning. She is not always completely successful.
2. Summer break. Nada going on except avoiding signing up for school.
3. I finished a book. Ha! And not a comic book or trade.
4. My new digital camera.
10. Where and for what did you go to school? University of Arizona! Originally I went for education, but when I couldn't finish that in four years I switched to English. Which I why I need to go back to get an Education degree. I really enjoyed college because I didn't have to get a job and school is the thing I'm best at. But I can't trick anyone into paying me to go to school for no reason.
11. Parents: My parents met at the
Smitty's they worked at. I guess Mom watched him and his Fu Manchu-stache from afar at her teller window. Or something, I don't know. I never really ask about their courtship. They've had their problems, but they're still married, so they must love each other and that is good enough for me.
Let's see... both Republican/conservative, but in a laid back way. Dad's actually comically Republican in his love for Nixon, declaration that socialism is the road to communism, and the joy he professes to take in handing off problems with the economy and environment to the next generation. We all go out and vote to cancel each other out.
They still enjoy fighting with each other, which I think is nice. Old, married couple banter. And it's totally about sitcomy stuff like the thermostat and bills and yard work.
It's actually because of my parents that I probably have an ambivalent stance on whether or not I want to have kids, but it's not as negative as it sounds. I see how hard my parents worked when my sister and I were kids so that we had everything we needed. There is no way I could ever love them as much as they love me. And! they continue to let mooch off of them.
I'm at a weird point in my relationship with them where they are starting to treat me like a peer, but I still have a semi-venerated view of them.
12. Who are some of your closest friends? I've heard us all being referred to as "The Usual Suspects". Kinda shady, but I'd have to put them in this category. Plus a couple from college who I managed to keep around for the whole run. They'd have to be good friends to continue calling even after all this time.