[Taiyo x Reon] Untitled [2/?]

May 21, 2007 09:39

Title: Untitled
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ayukawa Taiyo x Yamashita Reon, [with hints of: Yamashitacest, YamaBu, MassuTego, KoyaTo, and others]
Disclaimer: I don't own them, though some because they are needed for this part.
Characters: Reon, Taiyo, Shoon, Yabu, Hikaru, Koyama, Shige, others...
Warning: Drama, Incest, Fluff and a little bit of others, I guess... oh...TAIYO AND REON IN ONE ROOM.
Beta-ed by: janel_23
Notes: janel_23 threatened blackmailed me. XD I think I made Taiyo too adorkable here.
Previous chapter/s: Chapter 1

( He didn't mean to cause so much trouble for Taiyo-kun...)


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