[Kato x Masuda] Taping

Nov 02, 2007 18:22

Title: Taping (or 4 times Massu calls Shige "Darling" while wearing a dress when Shoon is near + 1 time Massu did accidentally)
Rating: PG-15 (or higher... depends, really. XD)
Pairing: Kato Shigeaki x Masuda Takahisa
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Characters: Masuda, Shige, Shoon, Mary, Yabu, Hikaru, Taiyo
Warning: Out of characterization, new OTP-writing, and said OTP has uke turned to seme and vice versa (...meaning, the original OTP was MassuShige, and this turned out to be ShigeMass)
Beta-ed: Self-beta-ed
Notes: I just have this sudden urge to write something. XD PS. I have no idea if AiQ Gekijou was shown during 2004... or 2003... So I'll just say it was 2004? Oh, PROMPT #72 of SHIGE-THON. And I don't think I made Massu call Shige "Darling" accidentally. XDD Is that against the rules?

(Darling te ba!)

fandom, fanfiction, writing

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