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Опознавательных знак Финских ВВС 1918-1945 гг.
May 02, 2010 18:19
Von Rosen had painted his personal good luck charm on the Thulin Typ D aircraft. This charm - a blue swastika, the ancient symbol of good luck - was adopted as the insignia of the Finnish Air Force. The white circular background was created when the Finns tried to paint over the advertisement from the Thulin air academy.[5] The swastika was officially taken into use after an order by Mannerheim on 18 March 1918. The FAF had to change the insignia after 1945, due to an Allied Control Commission decree, where the swastika had to be abandoned due to the association with Nazism.
Не знал.
Update: Эмблема-то эмблемой, а вот флаг ВВС и сейчас выглядит вот так:
P.S. А еще можно
вот сюда
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