#148:Introduction of de gUrL

Oct 02, 2032 00:00

 I realise i didn't really introduce myself properly. lol
So here goes. I got this from LoveSong.

Name: Aria
Birthdate(+Age): 2nd October
Current Location/Timezone: SG
Ethnicity: Bugis

Hobbies: Watchin TomaPI related, reading, photography, video-ing, listenin to music(esp rock)
Likes: Toma, TomaPi, fastfood, rainy day
Dislikes: getting lied, smokers, drunks
Petpeeves: ppl who knows i hate smokers but purposely smokes in front of me.

Favorite subject: math
Favorite Movie: Queen of The Damned, Romeo must die, Hana Yori Dango Final, Seaside Motel, Liar Game Final
Favorite JE/jrs group, members: 4Tops, Ikuta Toma, Ryo, Kei, Nakamaru Yuichi, Ueda and Yoko, Ishigaki Daisuke, Hikaru Yaotome, Kanjani8 and all 8 of NewS.
Favorite pairing: TomaPi, TaNaka, KoyaPi, RyoDa, Nishikato, SuShi and KoyaShige.
Other Favorite artists: Force Vomit, KRU, Aaliyah, Linkin Park, Matsuda Shota, BSBs, RHCP
Favorite game: UNO, Monopoly
Favorite past time: music, talking to myself, watching doramas, stalking online
Favorite drama: a lot: HanaKimi Jap, NobutaWoProduce, Akihabara@deep, dragonzakura, Liar Game etc
Favorite food: Mcdonalds
Favorite beverage: coke, tea
Favorite color: blue, black and white

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To see TomaPI.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: EHK??
Thoughts First Waking Up: Is there any news on TomaPi??
Your Bedtime: way past 1am
Do you play an Instrument, if yes which?: learning to play the guitar
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: already a grown up... used to wanna be an astronaut...
What country would you most like to Visit: The rest of Japan.

From Toma i found out about Yamapi. From Yamapi i found about TomaPi. From them i found out about the meaning of true friendship. 


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