Mar 27, 2011 22:49
It's almost april and this is my first post of the year!
Don't know how that happened. Actually, I have a sneaky suspicion it has to do with my addiction of Facebook games.
Anyhoo, just posting to note today is my youngest 8th birthday. The little guy had a great day, even when there wasn't much if any of a birthday allowance. He was happy though, with having command of today's menu, getting calls and email greetings from family and friends, as well as writing a Thank you email to his grandparents for the ecards.
But I think really what made his day was being the center of attention. Funny really, the kid was vibrating with excitement everytime a new greeting was received, or he was talking about being 8.
Maybe next post I'll be able to talk about what's going on around these parts. Ever since moving to the new house, I seemed to be constantly busy. At least, I have been able to keep up with my fandom duties, but only with the fics and arts. Too bad I miss a lot of of the comings and goings. Someone please let me know if I missed something important.