The road to recovery...

May 01, 2008 06:46

About three days ago, I found the critical missing item. I'd managed to leave it sitting on my dad's toolbox, where apparently neither of us noticed it.

Now, all of my jeans are shot (my now-broken name badge for work ripped out the left pockets), and the weather just turned cold, so shorts are out for the near future (and all I can say is "asdf"). But that can be remedied with money, which I have. Still missing an item or two, but those are non-critical.

Danica wins, then Ashley Force. (well, Will Power and Dan Wheldon win in between, but that's all in like 8 days). Good year for non-NASCAR racing. Trust me, if you've never seen the IRL race before, try a few races (they can't ALL be great, but the bad ones are still better than last year, and the good ones? who knows? Those are mostly post-Indy).

Started a new chapter called "Forsaken Home". It's coming along slowly, but it provide some context for Annalisa. She's really one hell of a girl, but she's so opposite Kendell in personality that people often think she's a sissy. Not the case at all. She's just not arrogant, violent, sarcastic, and confrontational. If she was, she'd be Kendell with breasts. Ummm, no thanks. I have at least three women who are aggressive. Torndraq, Denzent, and Karina are all more "Kendell with boobs" than Annalisa should ever be. (in fact, they overlap a little, but Torndraq is violent, Denzent sarcastic and confrontational, and Karina arrogant). Annalisa is supposed to be a sweetheart. One with plenty of steel to her, but essentially, the kind of girl you can't help but be friends with. So I hope the new chapter really shows my readers just what she is really made of. She never will compare to Kendell, if you want an avatar of destruction. He is ideally suited for it. She's ideally suited for, well, you'll have to see. It's not the path she's on, which is exactly the way it should be. I've probably said too much...
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