Well... with the way things have been going, it definitely doesn't look like I'll be reaching my goal of 25,000 words this month. 15k might be attainable... I guess we'll have to see.
The teacher, Mister Alaric, went to close the door, pausing as one more student arrived. My jaw almost dropped into my lap as the burly and sullen Jynxx Davison came into the classroom. With his bag slung easily over one shoulder and the muscles of his torso straining at the fragile confines of his simple black t-shirt like they were, he looked ready for a photo shoot.
Shit! He caught me staring at him for the second time that day and the glare he gave me was anything but friendly. This time I glared back, refusing to be the one to back down. He broke the staring contest to look around for a seat, none too thrilled to find that the only available one was right next to me.
Mister Alaric, always the cheerful optimist, held his hand out towards the cold seat beside me that suddenly felt like a traitor. "Sit by Kacea for now please, Jynxx. I'm sure a few seats will open up once some of the others drop out in a week or so." Jynxx nodded to the teacher, although in thanks or agreement, I wasn't sure. He came and sat down beside me without a word. I made a point of not looking at him as he unpacked his books and Mister Alaric began class.
"Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the Works of William Shakespeare. I know it's a touch early for such brain-intensive studies, but I'm sure we can make it through with a little teamwork and some coffee, hmm?" Everyone chuckled and Mister Alaric smiled, the expression not being one of either happiness or humor.
"Now I'll be perfectly honest with you all. There are three reasons why you're all here, and only one of them is the correct one. If either of the first two I give apply to you, then kindly speak to your guidance counselor about relocation as you simply don't belong here. You'll only be hindering the learning process of others.
"The first reason is that you needed to fill an English elective slot. Do us all a favor and go sign up for the Poetry class." He pushed his glasses up with two fingers. "Everyone in this class will actively participate, which means reading aloud often, or they will fail."
Mister Alaric held up two fingers and I couldn't help smirking as he went on. "The second reason is that you're here for some silly romantic notion or other. Shakespeare wrote tragedies, people. That means that relatively everyone dies and nothing ends happily. If you're here to read Romeo and Juliet, you're wasting your time. I won't allow that overused tripe to be read in my class..." He half-snarled the last and I snickered under my breath.
"The third reason is that you enjoy fine literature, reading aloud, and are a literate person in general. You belong here, and welcome to you all. However, if either of the first two applies to you, please leave my class immediately. I give a heavy workload and don't need your lack of enthusiasm or knowledge holding us back."
Several people looked embarrassed, but more people looked pissed. I expected nothing less of Mister Alaric, so it didn't even phaze me. Our class of thirty-five quickly dwindled to twenty. Taylea, Mia, Tarren, and I were all staying. Surprisingly, so was Jynxx. But the fact that he was here to begin with should have been a big enough clue that he'd stick around. He didn't seem the type to do anything he didn't want to. And who could argue with those muscles of his, honestly?
Damn! I'd been staring at Jynxx again and not heard the teacher's question. "I'm sorry, Mister Alaric... What did you say?" I politely asked in reply.
"Could you recite a sonnet for me please?"
"Any sonnet, sir?" He nodded and I sifted through my mental storage before choosing one.
"Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul
Of the wide world dreaming on things to come,
Can yet the lease of my true love control,
Suppos'd as forfeit to a confin'd doom.
The mortal moon hath her eclipse endur'd.
And the sad augurs mock their own presage;
Incertainties now crown themselves assur'd,
And peace proclaims olives of endless age.
Now with the drop of this most balmy time
My love looks fresh, and Death to me subscribes,
Since, spite of him, I'll live in this poor rhyme,
While he insults o'er dull and speechless tribes;
And thou in this shall find they monument,
When tyrant's crests and tombs of brass are spent."
What was left of the class applauded very enthusiastically and Mister Alaric was grinning ear to ear. "I expected nothing less, Kacea. An interesting choice, though. I would have pegged you more as the 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day' type."
I shook my head. "The creepier the lines, the easier they are to remember," I replied with a grin.
current total word count: 2152