Ada and music

Nov 05, 2009 22:07

Last night Ada was very upset because she kept forgetting one of the 'words' of Summertime (and the livin' is easy). It wasn't a word -- it was a note that I sing differently on the second verse from the first.

Today, she told me on the way home from her music class that the children all have 'lighter' voices and the adults have 'darker' ones. Questioning made it clear she was talking about pitch -- she'd made up the 'light' and 'dark' nomenclature because I've never talked about pitch with her before. We talked about it for a bit.

This evening, she told her father that her voice was higher-pitched than mine, with an obvious question in her tone: had she remembered the phrasing right?

I'm pretty sure she thinks E Tu, Kahikatea, is in made-up words, though, not a real language like English or French.

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