Unexpectedly awesome

Nov 01, 2009 16:57

I woke up today with a mild hangover and a lot of tired (six or so hours' sleep does that to me). Rodger was ill. I thought I'd probably have a rather unpleasant day.

So in the interests of minimising unhappiness in the family, I volunteered to take Ada out on my own for the whole morning. I thought that it would be better than having Rodger unhappy as well as me.

It was lovely. We met
vaudevillesclockworkfish and their son, and Robin and Jasper, at the market. We ate strawberries in the sun and danced to the rather good busker. We played kick-ball in the park. vaudevilles fed us a fantastic salad for lunch.

Then it turned out I'd forgotten that today was the day for clockworkfish and me to do home handypersonning at my place for the afternoon. We sang 50s rock and roll on the way, to Ada's delight, and then added a coat of paint to my kitchen and removed old wallpaper in the dining room.

Right now, Ada and Rodger are opening up his old Lego box and I'm having a break, before I use the products of the morning's vegetable market mission to make dinner.

And after it's all done, I am looking forward to reading through a friend's planned talk on Georgette Heyer.

So very, very much not what I expected when I woke. I'm very lucky.

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