This program aired on 10.24.2008:
06:17PM Thomas Dolby “One of our Submarines (Extended Mix)” from “she blinded me with science” on Venice In Peril
06:24PM Dolby’s Cube “May the Cube Be With You” from “May the Cube Be With You” on Dolce Vita
06:32PM Ryuichi Sakamoto and Thomas Dolby “Field Work” from “Field Work” on Ten
06:38PM Thomas Dolby “Armageddon” from “Gate to the Mind’s Eye” on Giant
06:42PM Thomas Dolby “I Live in a Suitcase (live)” from “The Sole Inhabitant” on Lost Toy People
06:47PM Thomas Dolby “Budapest By Blimp” from “Aliens Ate My Buick” on Caroline
06:55PM Thomas Dolby “Silk Pyjamas” from “Astronauts and Heretics” on Warner Brothers
06:59PM Thomas Dolby “Valley of the Mind’s Eye” from “Gate to the Mind’s Eye” on Giant
Thanks to Chris-O for his assistance!
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