Crazy Spam

Apr 19, 2009 14:51

I think these guys have their religions confused. What the heck?
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With prowess equal to that of the great indra, of hatred to the intelligent son of kunti. Indeed,.

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Foremost of carwarriors, uttering a loud roar rattling of blocks and cordagethe first puff of feels no desire for any particular taste, after regenerate rishis, the sinless
kesava the god a large area is taken up with grave moundscommon know me now to have completed my vow.’ uttara never enter the brahmana’s heart for the brahmana none regarded the calamity caused by bhishma’s son kripa, o king, began to afflict the son of by the name of atharvasiras. Thou art he who is immediately before. O thou of kuru’s race, it inspired scriptures and oral traditions, mahomedanism.
crossposted from The Hydrogen Project

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