This week is the comeback challenge. This challenge is only for those who have been eliminated thus far. If you have made it this far, enjoy your break. :) Check below to see if you are eligible to enter this challenge.
Here's how it goes down:
-Icons are due Friday, November 26th at 11:00 PM EST....Sunday, November 28th at 6PM EST.
-You may only participate if you see your name listed below.
-Follow the LJ standards (not over 40k, 100x100 pixels, etc). Submit only 1 icon.
-Icon must be new for this challenge, no recycling.
-Do not share your icon until after voting is over & the results are posted.
-Entries must be entered by commenting on this post with both the image and the image url.
-You may only use the images provided.
Need to get their icon in:
audraeverafter emmz13 Already entered:
amaranthine3divachic04audrey_cullen dance_the_dance