We have our top 5 people!!
Icons are due Saturday, February 10th at 6 PM EST! If you don't know how to tell what your timezone is, I suggest you go to timeanddate.com. If your icon isn't in by that time goes up then sadly you can't participate anymore. I do understand forgetfullness so if you are an hour or two late, don't worry, but try not to make it a habit.
01. You may only participate if you see your name listed below.
02. Follow the LJ standards (not over 40k, 100x100 pixels).
03. May be animated if you want.
04. Only the image I provide may be used. You may add stock images, textures, brushes, text, etc. Crop however you want. If you want just Ashley in it, crop out MK. Be creative.
05. Only 1 icon may be submitted but if you decide you hate the one you already submitted you can submit again with that icon before voting goes up Monday night.
07. Entries must be entered by commenting on this post with both the image and the image URL. If you have a question, make a seperate comment than your entry.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/Keikolyn/Feb2007/round4-c08.jpg Need to get their icon in
lovehpcolourfulgirlthe_seventhsign People who have theirs in