already dumb people become dumber without sleep

Jan 20, 2010 19:52

Today was the worst day ever cuz of the stupid things I did. It was so stupid that it deserved a LJ post to tell the world of my stupidity.

Yesterday night I had been working on revisions of a project that I was to show a prof today at a 1:15pm appointment. She's only at school every Wednesday so I had made an appointment with her the week before to see her.

So I ended up sleeping like 3.5 hours last night, left for school at like 7:45am sleep deprived. I went and bought Tim Hortons for breakfast after arriving at school. During morning class in the computer lab I was using a file on my USB key so I had it plugged in the computer. At 11, I needed to go to a meeting so I grabbed all my belongings and unplugged my USB key, rushed to beat my classmate in throwing out our drink cups, and walked to a nearby conference room. After the meeting I went to buy lunch, and then at approximately 1:10, I looked in my bag to grab my USB key cuz the prof's office was just next door.

I couldn't find it.

I looked through all my pockets in my jeans and jacket and bag, flipped through all the contents of my bag and was shocked that I couldn't find it. I know I had unplugged it from the computer, that much I know for sure, but why couldn't I find it? I rushed back into the computer lab to look for it. The first years were having a class there so I was hesitant to interrupt them. I went to the prof and told her that I had my USB key like 3 hours ago and somehow I magically lost it since. She said she just finished class so it's ok and she'll just have lunch for 20 mins and we can meet after that. After going through my bag and coats a second time and asking all my fellow second years if they've seen my USB and got nothing, I decided to embarrass myself by interrupting the 1st year class and asking if anyone sees a USB at their computers. Nobody could find it.

I was totally dumbfounded by how I managed to lose it and couldn't find it in all the places I was at.

I went back to the prof and apologized that I couldn't find my USB key and had to push my appointment back to next Wednesday. I tried backtracking what I did from the moment I unplugged it to when I realized I had lost it, and I thought the last place that my USB could possibly be was in the garbage can cuz I had thrown away my cup. Originally I wanted to look through the garbage even though the chances of finding it there is pretty damn low, but the 1st years were still in the computer lab having their class so I didn't want to disrupt them. I decided to go after my afternoon class hoping that their class will be over by then.

After my class I went back to the lab to look through the garbage, and no, all the 1st years were sitting at the desks next to the garbage doing their work. I was just like UGH, OK WHATEVER. So I opened the garbage can and proceeded to dig through all the gross shit in there with my bare hands. It stank and had sticky shit in it. I tried looking for my Tim Hortons cup and found it, then realized there was another Tim Hortons cup in deeper, found that, then saw another one even deeper down. I had no idea which cup at which level was actually my cup. I thought to myself, "Ok, you know what, I'm royally fucked. My school files that I may not have backed up on a computer are in there. I'm such a retard." Then right when I was about to pull my arms out of the pile of garbage, I saw something white waaaaay down in the garbage and I reached in to see what it was.

And I found it.

It was kinda sticky on the outside, but since it had a cap on it was ok. I silently went to the washroom and wiped it off and went back to my classmate and showed her the USB. She asked me where I found it and I said THE GARBAGE. All the 1st years were like WHHAATT!?!?!?! One of them said, "It was in the garbage!? Somebody actually threw it out!?" And I was like, "Ya, >I< did."

Lesson of the day, children, please sleep more. Sleep deprivation makes you look like a moron to both your profs and peers.

I shall forever be labelled as the girl who threw away her USB key and then couldn't find it by all the students in my program.


kuso, life

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