Feb 24, 2007 01:25
'ello, all. For basic information concerning the community, please look to the userinfo. This is basically a uniform first post with a few odds and ends here.
For those that are coming in from other icontests, I'd like an opinion as to how you think the voting should be done. Do you think it works better with screened commenting or should it be done using polls (and if for polls, three separate polls or just one selecting the best three)? I'm merely curious as to what people think is more efficient.
I could definitely use some banner makers. I'll contribute to the effort if necissary. Preferably someone(s) who have some experience yet aren't too busy to lose track of their responsibilities -- as then it becomes more of a chore and that's no fun. If you'd like to help out, drop a comment, and perhaps an example of previous work or some sort of sample?
Something that'd be helpful would some more places to find good Magic Kaito character images aside from the places I've listed in the userinfo. I know there has to be some out there somewhere, it's all a matter of being able to find them. I myself have a nice collection from people generous enough to take screenshots for me and whatnot. I'll try to have images up for some place to start when particular characters are themes, but if there's a good place out there on the web, that'd be great.
For those that join: If you have an icon/graphics journal/community and you'd like to see it get a little pimpage, leave a comment and I'll add it onto the bottom of the userinfo. Same goes with affiliations.
Enjoy! I hope this will all go well~.
The first theme will start next Friday, March 2nd.
mod post