Aug 23, 2005 01:48
last night was definatly scary..ok so we drive around to find beer we get it and everyone basically gets drunk but me..hhaa then some guy named patrick was like hey gurl ur hot but u look famaliar and i was like ok and then he was like whats ur name i was like margot he backed off of me completaly and was like margot who?" and i was like umm haha im related to u..i was umm how and he was like ur my step moms niece i was uhh ok this is really funny..but then we headed to franks and mom called and said u need to be home right now..haha so i was like argueing sayying please let me stay out later and was bitching say find stay outt dont even come home so we turing around from going to franks and then he took me home cuz some one got some acid and he wanted to try it and so he went and took me home..then they went out as in cooper motes justin and some other kid and they went to a field and got even drunker and were all tripin' and so then the cops came and arrested all of them motes went to juvy along with copper and the other kid..and everyone that was in juvy there parents came asap and left motes all night alone in a cell until this afternoon..and justin is still in jail cuz hes 18..which really sucks cuz i love motes so much and i dont know if hes going to rehab or military school which sucks..but uhhh yeah last night was crazy but yet fun ..and tear the hottie i love kevin came over with his girlfriend i wanted to cry..tear..but uh yeah amy rozanskie is going to get her butt wooped my me..soon i cant stand when people decide to talk smack that they dont know is true i nthe first place so why even say it argg and i feel so bad for motes because his best friend of is wasting his life because mac is going to ruin it..why people do stupid shit..ok well thats all for tonight much love i love u alissa,tiffany,and most def motes..