I've been flirting with Google's new
Chrome browser here at work, more trying to figure out what I think of it. My thoughts so far:
1. I like the fact that each tab is a separate browser because I crash things
2. I don't like the fact that each tab is a separate browser because it takes a lot of memory
3. I miss my Firefox addons.
4. I am still Gay for Google.
I do like the fact that my "most visited" pages are displayed on the first page when I boot up - it's copying homepages that I've built myself of links or iGoogles collection of links.
The only issue I have with this feature is when I post pictures on my blog like yesterday:
Lets just say that I didn't realize that is what it would look like when I opened Chrome with my boss behind me. Luckily I work in an office where we hide people's cars and send love letters from each others e-mail addresses.
Also: My collection of websites is amusing. Email - finance - class - me - party (I've only looked at that page twice?) - facebook - finance - work - something awful. The ratio of fucking-off to doing-work is amazing.