Feb 29, 2004 21:03
[spell your first name backwards] nosila
[age]15 but 16 in like 20 days
[where do you live] ravenna/roosevelt/wedgewood kind of
[four words that sum you up] i dont know
[wallet] ass pocket, i dont carry a purse
[hairbrush] which one?
[jewelry worn daily] a watch, a necklace, 3 rings
[coffee cup] the one they give me at starbucks every time i go
[tennis-shoes] addaias...all of them
[cologne/perfume] clinique happy, but hopefully after my birthday escada
[piercings] earlobes, but i dont wear earrings..im alergic
[clothes youre wearing now] my bball jersey and shorts
[wishing] a lot of things
[talking to] kerry t
[eating] i just had some kettle corn
[some of your fav. movies] shawshank redemption, and singin in the rain
[somthing youre looking forward to in the upcomin months] my bday!
[last thing you ate] umm kettle corn
[something youre afraid of] not sure, rejection i think
[if you could have any animals as pets what would they be?] i kinda want a monkey, that would be tight
[three cities you wouldn't mind relocating to] concord, cali
[some of your fav. foods] i dont know
[something you wish you could understand better] life and the way it works
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time] kerry t, bryce, all the walkers, brina, all the rest of my cali buds, and my family in MN
DO YOU...:
[like candles] "do you know how to use candles? Light the wick?!" good times cam, yes i love candles
[like incense] im allergic
[believe in love] yup
[believe in soulmates] ya
[believe in love at first sight] depends on the occasion
[believe in forgiveness] yes i do
[want to get married] its one of the things i want to do most in life
[want to have kids] ya, but it looks like it hurts
[believe that you know the person that youll marry at this point in time] no
[cried] yes
[bought sumthin] food? well actually cam bought food
[gotten sick] nope
[sang] im the shower...the only place i do sing..except at frosh retreat which was sooo fun
[eaten] ya
[been kissed] nope
[felt stupid] ya really dumb, i hate that
[wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't] not sure
[met someone new] ya
[moved on] from what? i dont understand this question
[talked to an ex] yup
[missed an ex] nope
[talked to someone you have a crush on] possibly
[had a serious talk] unfortunately...it didnt turn out well
[missed someone] ya i really do miss them
[hugged someone] ya
[fought with your parents] umm ya..i dont want to talk about it
[dreamt about someone you can't be with] ya
[best girl friend(s)] i don't do these questions
[guy friend(s)] i don't do these quesitons
[boyfriend/girlfriend] nope
[if none, current dating partner] none
[hobbies] basketball and drama
[pager/cell] neither
[are you the center of attention or wallflower] umm what kind of question is this?
[car you drive] i will be driving a honda accord
[would you rather be with friends or on a date] umm either or
[job] i dont have one, i need one hella bad though
[attend church]i havent been to chruch in 6 years
[like being around people] ya i feel hella retarded when im not
[have you known the longest] bryce william walker
[do you argue with the most] my parents
[do you always get along with people] i try too, i get sad when im in a fight
[who is the most trustworthy]robinson or cameron
[who makes you laugh the most] cameron and robinson
[who is the nicest girl(s)] umm..julia, annie, blakes, kimmy
[who is the nicest guy(s)] robinson, cam, ian, kerry t
[who has the coolest parent(s)] cam, i love his parents, and then bryce because his parents are my second parents, then ian's dad is a pimp for sure, and blakeleys parents are tight too, oh and then robinsons parents are tight
[who has the coolest sibling(s)] bryce, and cams sis is tight, blakes bro and sis are tight, annies bro is tight,
[is the smartest] alex carbahjal, and robinson
[who is your role model] oprah and eli because he saved my life at the retreat.
[pet peeves] here we go: 10 year old girls shopping with their little like box purses who think they are really cool cause they arent with their mom, the word "boss" because its hella annoying, people getting mad at someone because their friend is, B.O., teenagers who shop at limited too, people who make me feel dumb.. and some others
[ever liked someone you had no chance with] yup
[ever lied to your best friend] ya definately regret that.
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone b/c they hurt you] uhhh no
[cried over the opposite sex] ya unfortunately
[have a certain "type" of person you go after]good personality, SCENT is a major plus, and i dont know someone who works out or just exercises
[rather have a relationship or "hook-up"] umm relationship, but we will see kerry...haha
[what is your fav. part of your physical appearance]arms, and like stomach, nice legs too
[what is your fav. part of your emotional being] umm i dont know
[are you happy with yourself] nope
[are you happy with your life] nope
[if you could change one thing what would it be]umm a lot of things
last car ride: earlier today
last good cry: friday
last movie seen: thirteen
last book read: the journals of nick twisp
last cuss word: fuck
last food consumed: kettle corn
last crush: cant say
last phone call: on the phone with cam
last tv show watched: oscars
last time showered: i will in about an hour
last shoes worn: my stan smiths, at my game
last cd played: ummm listening to "fuck it" by eamon
last item bought:food, well cam bought food
last downloaded: postal service
last annoyance: i dont know
last soda drank: pepsi last night with cam
last written: this stuff
last key used: house key
last word spoken: this question
last sleep: this morning when i woke up
last im: Mr Orange 7878
last sexual fantasy: i made out with someone in a dream last
last amused: last night with cam
last time wanting to die: no comment
last time in love: a couple months ago
last time hugged: umm at my game today
last time scolded: an hour ago
last time resentful: umm not sure
last chair sat in: the one im in now
last lipstick used: lip gloss yesterday
last underwear worn: blue
last bra worn: sports bra, gray
last shirt worn: my greenlake jersey, its green and white #25 baby
last poster looked at: umm i have no idea
last webpage visited: a smoking website for LA