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Mar 11, 2007 14:54

I haven’t updated in a while. Not much has been happening, but here are some things that I thought about posting this week, but was too lazy to.

1. I bought some expensive peanut butter and white bread to have a PB&J sandwich. While making it, I thought of how far I’ve come since I was little. Back then, I had to have jif or other non-organic PB with no other flavor than grape jelly on the non-crust slice of bread. This time, the sandwich was completely opposite that, but it was still completely tasty. Funny how something so simple changes. A sort of substitute type of snack that I like to eat here is this special type of heavy rye bread (rugbrød) with jam and cheese. I’m going to miss the rugbrød when I get back to the states
2. It’s a really gorgeous day out. Full out spring, but I’m guessing it will be rainy and colder tomorrow. Despite this, it was nice to go out for a walk around the lakes that are about 1 ½ blocks from my place. There were a lot of people out on the path, and it was nice to read out in the sun.
3. Well, this is from last weekend, but I forgot to mention it. There was rioting going on in Copenhagen over Ungdomshuset, the Youth House, which I don’t really know what the deal was. I think that people were like illegally living there or something. I didn’t really witness anything expect for lots of police heading that way. Over 600 people were arrested. Not going to lie, it was a little exciting with that happening because it reminds me that I really am living in a city where stuff can happen. But overall I feel much safer here than in Madison. I guess crime happens here, but I don’t have to think twice about “it’s late and I need to get home by myself.” It’s going to suck to have to go back to someplace where I need to so cautious.
4. This Denmark during WWII class that I’m taking is a bit intensive. I just found out that I’m going to have to write a final paper even longer than the ones that I wrote last semester (please shoot me). I guess I know what to expect more than last semester though. I’m enjoying learning about the time period because I really had no knowledge of what Denmark’s place was in WWII. What I’m finding out is that Denmark was basically Germany’s doormat. Like Germany came and was all we’re going to ‘protect your neutrality’ and then Denmark just kind of gave in their pressure. Which I guess would be kind of ‘girly-man’ (to use Arnold Schwarzenagger’s words) by American standards, but if you think about it, Denmark was just using strategy to not put up a fight because they came out pretty much unscathed from the war. Granted though, Germany was a bit nice to them because they wanted to show that they could have a ‘peaceful occupation’ and it didn’t hurt that Danes are on the second tier of the whole Aryan race deal. But apparently Britain was kind of pissed at them for collaborating with the Germans. Ah, I’m rambling…
5. I signed up for a trip to go to Legoland in April. Originally Grace was going to sign up, but when she went to register all the places were full. So basically I don’t know anybody that’s going, but whatever, it should be a good time and it’ll be fun to be a kid in a Lego world.
6. Grace and I have been watching Sang Stjerner on Thursdays which is Denmark’s American Idol show. I think they just have one more audition show left, then they’ll get to the competition. Their audition process is kind of lame. You have to audition in pairs, which is totally unfair if you both have good voices, but just different qualities/strengths. Also the judges have passed on some very good voices. Oh another thing with auditions is that almost everyone chooses to sing “Ain’t No Mountain High” which they pretty much butcher every time. Overall, not quite as entertaining as the real thing, but still fun to watch. Maybe it will get better once the competition begins. There was this really cute teenage couple that got through that had the cutest voices and sang this cute little song and had a cute little dance…it was cute….hahaha.
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