May 12, 2011 15:33
What a CREEP Glenn Beck is! What does it say about him that he would launch such a mean spirited attack on a young woman who was doing something for a good (and not even political) cause? I may differ with Meghan politically, but I think she is 100% right here. So tired of how anything over a size 1 for a woman in this society gets labeled "fat" or a "baby bump". You tell him, Meghan! :
After Meghan McCain wore a revealing dress in a skin cancer PSA, Glenn Beck launched a vicious tirade about her body-suggesting she wear a burqa and saying the idea of her naked made him want to vomit. In an open letter to Beck, McCain asks if this is the legacy he wants to leave his daughters.
Sorry for three political entries in a row (though the last one was personal to me as well :)), but this isn't even *just* about politics for me. Like so many other women out there, I have dealt with my fair share of weight/body imagine issues over the years so I can relate on a very human level to how Meghan must've felt, reading this kind of hateful---not to mention sexist..and stupid, childish-- vitriol from Beck. But IMO at least, Meghan has nothing to be embarassed for--not only is she a stunningly beautiful young women who should be proud of her body, but she was doing something for a great , universally important cause. I'm sorry, but WTF has Beck ever done to help better society, besides spreading the very divisive, vitriolic rhetoric that is exactly the problem in our political dialogue and discourse? Yes I know I am biased, but my siding with and support of Meghan McCain in this matter--someone who is very different from me on many issues politically--should, hopefully at least, show that this isn't partisan for me. It's this very same garbage that's much of the reason why so many young women--and yes, young men too..and not even just the young probably either..--suffer from eating disorders and such. And as a father of young daughters himself, Beck oughta know better. Just shameful. I can't speak for him of course, but if I were John McCain and this were my daughter, no matter her age, I'd want to kick Beck's ass!! :)
Good for Meghan for not only sticking up for herself, but for being a voice, in her own way, for so many other women out there and anyone else who has every been made to feel like less because they don't conform to a cookie cutter standard set by US Magazine. I may disagree with her on a lot politically, but I really admire her and I hope she will continue to feel free to speak her mind and express herself as she sees fit, in spite of such meaness from people like Beck. But considering the fact that even FOX NEWS is parting ways with him, I think his 15 minutes of fame is clocking in at around 14:59..
Sorry to any Beck fans reading this--and feel free to disagree with me on here if you do. But this just gets under my skin! :)
More soon,
meghan mccain,
john mccain,
glenn beck,
body image issues