President Obama to Sign Executive Order on Stem Cell Research Monday
March 06, 2009 3:44 PM
ABC News has learned that on Monday morning President Obama will hold an event at the White House in which he signs an executive order overturning the ban on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
The announcement will be about "restoring scientific integrity to health care policy," an administration official tells ABC News.
In August 2001, President George W. Bush signed an executive order banning federal funding on embryonic stem cell research except for a few dozen lines that were grandfathered in. The White House at the time estimated scientists would have more than 60 cell lines to use, but ultimately fewer than two dozen lines were usable.
Twice during his presidency, Mr. Bush vetoed efforts to overturn his ban.
On the campaign trail, then-Sen. Obama pledged to overturn the ban, as did Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., making a reversal in policy all but assured. Mr. Obama said the ban "handcuffed our scientists and hindered our ability to compete with other nations."
- Jake Tapper, Brian Hartman and Lisa Stark
Source: ****
It's about time! I think this is great news. Think of all the potential cures and all the lives that could be saved and/or bettered. I bet Chris and Dana Reeve would be glad to know this; they are probably looking down from Heaven and smiling, as I know they were both big advocates for this and against the Bush administration's stifling of it. Bless them both. :)
And GOBAMA! :D Less than two months in and he's already accomplishing so much!