Nov 05, 2003 23:12
Your SaniTest(TM) Results
Your score is:111
For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.
INSANITY INDEX 5.84 There are levels of human madness which science has not yet penetrated, which cannot be conveniently labelled or classified. Your score indicates that you are at such a level. You are, quite simply, mad. A classic case. A feather for every evil, whirling wind that blows. Others who scored at this level include singer/psychic pitchwoman Dionne Warwick and Korean cult leader Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
Somehow I've always known this.I first felt it when I was 9 mos. old. It's been such a burden all these years.... I'm glad the truth is finally out. Now what do I do?