Feb 05, 2011 23:46
8:00ish: wake up
9:30: Leave the house
9:45: Get car left at Edison train station the day before
10:00: Drop off car, get wife, head out
10:10: Get coffee
10:40: Arrive at house
10:45: Commence to measure the hell out of the place
10:50: Attempt to determine if it's possible to just swap out the lock and doorknob on the front door. Short answer: No, we have to buy a whole new door eventually.
11:00: Begin lingering self-doubt.
11:15: Finalize list of stuff to get at Lowe's.
11:30: Go to Subway to get lunch.
11:45: Leave Subway, go to Lowe's.
12:00-2:30: Go up and down pretty much 80% of Lowe's. Purchase a doorknob, level, square, and programmable thermostat. Have heart attack over the cost of even cheap replacement windows for our drafty original windows. Have further heart attack over the cost of just a damn front door.
2:40: Realize that to get to Home Depot and possibly Petsmart to get a cat door, we have to go through some of the worst ever traffic on 22. Succumb to further lingering self-doubt.
2:45: Pull out of traffic and go to a store that sells puppies. It smells really, really, REALLY bad and people shouldn't be haters and adopt dogs from shelters who need homes and love. No, they don't sell pet doors.
2:50: Give up on Home Depot and Petco, go to Costco. Purchase paper towels, emergency premade lentils and chickpeas for Indian lunches, string cheese.
3:15: Return home. Attempt to install doorknob from Lowe's in the bathroom. Fail at doing so; the door construction is such that it cannot be disassembled. Looks like all our interior doors will need to be replaced at some point. Sigh deeply.
4:15: In-laws arrive to help out. Power is cut to install programmable thermostat. Realized the hard way that the room isn't getting much natural light due to the overcast skies and sun starting to come down to the west in a south-facing room.
4:30: Programmable thermostat is a massive boondoggle of oddly shaped wires. Beg for help from father-in-law, who unlike me knows what he's doing.
4:45: Thermostat install complete. Power restored, thermostat tested. Doesn't work. Proceed to panic. Wife flips thermostat switch from "Off" to "Heat." Xanax sought and not found.
5:15: Process of removing oddly-colored kitchen cabinets proceeds to be probably the worst idea since the Edsel. Screws stripped, rust discovered.
5:30: Test coat of white flat paint applied. Debate over white flat vs. ultra white flat vs. ultra white semigloss ensues. Color differentiation between ultra white flat and ultra white semigloss attributed to the way the room is lit. Resigned to ultra white semigloss once more is acquired.
5:35: Battle is joined, and then lost, in the war on driveway ice.
6:00: In-laws seen off successfully.
6:10: Depart for pork buns.
7:10-10:00: Pork buns, pork and cabbage rice cakes, other Chinese delicacies consumed, cupcakes eaten and coffee/tea drank, actual social life with friends had again for the first time since the '10-'11 mortgage crisis.
11:45: Lingering self-doubt stops lingering and turns all-out.
WTS 4'x6' mirror, perfect condition, comes with mounting hardware. Asking 200g PST.