my sister is graduating from fairfield university on sunday.
yesterday, the valedictorian of her class, and a friend of hers, was killed. from what she told me, he was trying to break up a fight, was knocked into the street, and hit by a bus. the story is
here if you'd like to read about it.
my sister, even though she was not best friends with him, is distraught. i would be too, if the speaker at my graduation was killed 5 days before the ceremony, and i wasn't close to him at all. i feel terrible for her and for the family of the guy, but i also feel badly that whenever she thinks about her college graduation, it'll be a sad thought instead of a happy one.
i called jon around 9 to shoot the shit.
me, "hey babe, where are you? it's so loud."
him, "i'm at the bar with (names his single soon-to-be-a-cop brother, a single cop friend and a single fireman friend)."
me, "okay, i won't keep you, i was just calling to say hello. oh, i don't know if you heard, but the valedictorian from meredith's class was killed yesterday. he was a friend of hers, too."
him, "so?"
me, after a pause, "okay, gotta go." and i hung up.
um, erp?
i'll go into why i made the 'single cop, etc.' comments another time. i'm too wound up right now.
i think i'm having another anxiety attack.
oh, didn't i mention that? i have anxiety attacks now. at least that's what i think they are. my stomach is in knots, i can't eat or drink, i feel nauseous, and i can't seem to relax.
the west wing is on, maybe that will calm me down.