It was the only place I'd ever known.

Mar 02, 2008 12:11

So I used my emo pic for this post. It's the house I live in. I am perfectly fine until I'm around my family. I don't like it and I can' handle it anymore.

Today just isn't a feel good day for some reason or another. Later will be good, I need some me time. I haven't had any of that in a while. Ever since I was able to spend so much time before to just sit and think I've become addicted to it and need it like crazy.

I'm such a bitter person and my bitterness is very bitter today. Especially bitter.
No Rhyme or Reason.
I'll spare the general public a bitterness rant and rave, it's the last thing anyone needs to hear.

I have bitten my tongue on some things lately and I think it works to other peoples advantages. Sometimes it's best to just keep your advice and views to yourself, especially when all it will do is stir up the conversation. I love when people get self realizations but they aren't too practical in any sense of the way. I absolutely respect anyone who follows what they love to do and at the same time if they don't really work to get it themselves it really pisses me off to a whole new level. I know what I'm talking about. I'll just sit and search my iPhone and talk to somebody else.

On the up side, since there should always be an up side, the musical premieres on Friday. Come one, come all! It's getting down to the wire and it's exciting. When it's over, so will Spring Break. Then I will have to bust out a shit ton of homework.

I'm going to start a diet. My birthday is in a month so it's an early birthday present to myself. I fell in love with these all natural fruit smoothies so that was my inspiration. And the fact that most of the food I eat at school nowadays is the same, and while it may not be truly unhealthy, it's not the best. I can stay occupied by eating random fruit type things. How fun. We'll see.
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