Zombies, Power Outages, and Headaches. My Day Is Complete

Jul 07, 2003 17:20

I was sleeping on hte couch in the front room because I tore my room apart trying to clean it. At which point I had to go pick up Phillip and run a few errands. I came home extremely exhausted and fell asleep on the couch. When I was woken up by emense heat in the house. Apparently sometime between 3 and 5 the power went off. It has just now been turend back on.

I have the Mustang tonight. My 2000, 5 speed Mustang in cherry red.

I went to work to sing Allison happy birthday I got a customer named Scott to get a beer from her. He was her first beer purchase that she could open. *laugh*

I ended up talking to Scott and his friend Micheal for an hour while they ate. Good conversation about TV shows was had. (Scott has been coming in to the Getaway for over a year now and we never said more than a few words to each other.)

I mailed off the shirt that was accidentally sent to me today. And got mom's shoe back. And, did a lot of other running around. Dad got a rental car, but I had to spend an hour with him. I had to follow him to the body that is fixing the truck. (about 2,000 $ worth of damage) then take him to work.

And I made plans earlier today to see 28 Days Later with pj300a. That should be fun.

I now know where gothicblade lives, and I have semi-dependable directions to get there. With an estimated 4 hours and 30 mintues to reach my destination. Must. Visit. Him. Soon.

Today has actually been a good day. Listening to very upbeat music and having positive thoughts.
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