(no subject)

Aug 11, 2005 00:56

Man, I had so many plans for the day today, and didn't get to do a single one of them. How fucking disappointing. Three different activities, and not ONE got to happen. My day was such a pathetic waste of time. It makes me feel absolutely useless. I seriously need a job. Like, bad. Not for the money, either. I could go without a job for a year or two if I needed to. I'm just so fucking, outrageously bored every single day. I miss the monotony of people shitting on me and being paid a minimal wage to receive said shit.


If something doesn't pan out with one of the Gamestops or EBs, I may just grab some random shitty job out of desperation.

I noticed I've said fuck twice...three times...in this entry, so far. Surprising, considering my more recent posts have been rather clean, language wise, anyway. At least I think so. I guess it's just this restlessness getting to me. I'm up all night, every night, doing NOTHING. Seriously. Most nights, I'm awake till about four or four-thirty, playing video games or hitting refresh to see if someone on Myspace had the decency to respond to the message it took me ten minutes to type out because I didn't want to come off retarded and uncool with my first impression to them. It's a sad, horrible existence I'm in at the moment. Like I said on Myspace, I have two options:

1. Go to bed earlier. Just do it. I barely do anything at night anyway, so why not?
2. Find a late night buddy. All my lame ass friends (yeah, you...what, with your jobs and your social lives...kidding, heart) go to bed way early or whatnot. I need a buddy who's up as late as me and wants to hang out...oh, every night? Bah. Hook me up, LJ.

The day was not a total bust, however. I got my CDs from BMG today. I just order one more, get four more for free, then cancel it up. 12 CDs for 1, booyahkasha.

I also went to Grove today to see my buddies out there. I spent some time talking to Emily. I mentioned Shanna The She-Devil, a comic by Frank Cho (he draws the best women, ever). She starts talking about how she loved it, and wants to buy the trade, even though she has all the other issues. She then continues on about Frank and his other comics. Then, hits the nail on the head when she confirmed that Icon was a subsidiary of Marvel, then showed off some other comic knowledge. I tell ya, my flag was flying at full staff, for sure. If you guys knew how little she knew about comics before being comic girl, and then saw her talking today, you'd be as impressed with her as I was. As a comic enthusiast, it was "truly, madly, deeply" cool. Savage Garden. I didn't think you could improve on perfection, but she proved me wrong...again, like she's one to constantly do.

Well...my Burleson jersey should arrive tomorrow. Good news, good news. Perhaps I'll see if there's a spare CD player at my parents' house. I have about...20+ CDs to listen to, with more on the way, so I really need to get down to business. Damn. I'ma gonna go waste some time, then maybe go to bed. Probably not, though. Too used to late nights. We'll um...see you round? Late.
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