You wanted a big update...well, baby, you got a BIG update!

Jun 13, 2005 22:10

HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL! WHAT. IS. UP!? Boy, do I have a TON of media for you. Pictures, video, hell, even a new song, as you'll notice by the change of background music. The current music is "El Phantasmo and the Chicken-Run Blast-O-Rama" by White Zombie. Why such a long titled song? Consider it my tribute to the greatness that is/was ECW (after all, it was Lance Storm's most excellent entrance theme).

Now...without any further adieu, I bring to you, my trip to the wonderful Las Vegas, in full, beautiful color!

I awoke at about 6:30 on Friday morning, the ninth of June. Ahh...the day was here. I head out to Vegas for the first time ever, to partake in a celebration of my coming (tee hee) of age. I finished some last minute packing and headed off to Dad's. When I got there, we threw everything in the trunk, and headed out to the airport. Grandma rode with so she could take her car back home after we left. After we got to the airport, we grabbed our stuff, said our goodbyes to Grandma, then headed off inside. Bag checking and all that was relatively painless, as was checking in for our flights. We hit the McDonald's there and picked up some breakfast (mmm, bacon, egg and cheese bagel. HELL YES). In a surprising twist, the bill came to $7.77. A sign of things to come? Read on, true believers.

After breakfast, we headed on to the plane. We got seated next to a lady who talked way too much, but she seemed nice, I suppose. Luckily, I had the window seat, so booyakashah! Take off was relatively smooth, and was made extra cool by the fact that is was raining, so it looked pretty damn sweet. The flight was nice for the most part, and relatively turbulence free, which is always a bonus. I spent a bunch of time playing Hot Shots Golf for PSP (phenomenal game), and then let Dad play for a bit while I rested. We finally arrived in Las Vegas around 10:45 or so, PST time. First thing I did was text Kitty to tell her I was in her time zone, and beg her to come out. I tried texting my Bittay after that, to tell her to come visit, but got no response (maybe she didn't get it *shrug*). After that, we went and picked our shit up, took a cool tram type thing to the Hertz bus, then headed out to pick up our car.

The car was pretty nice, for a rental. I frantically searched through the stations to try to pick up the last twenty minutes of Romey, but couldn't find him. Sad face. We headed straight for the MGM Grand, which was the WONDERFUL hotel we stayed in. We found the parking lot, and started checking in. When we walked in through the bottom floor, we passed by all kinds of cool shops, one of which I purchased a gift from later. When we got up into the check in That place is friggin crazy fancy! Oh my word! The casino is right there, but before the casino, we checked in our bags and hung out in the room a little bit, just to get a feel for the place.

By the elevator is where I took my first series of photos:

That was a shot of the airport from the elevator area. Freaking huge airport.

A second shot of that airport.

A shot of the San Reno hotel.

So, we headed downstairs and searched around for some stuff to do. My lord...I have never seen so many beautiful women and wonderful sets of breasts in my life. Absolutely insane. Especially in the casino area. DAYYYYYYAMN! Anywho, after playing in the casino, we went to go grab something to eat. They had this awesome pizza place there, so we dined on some pizza and stuff. After that, we headed down an escalator, into the arcade. There were tons of awesome games down there, and a few "chiquitas checking me out" as well...according to my Dad. Yeeeeeeeah. We started playing some games, and then jumped on Time Crisis 3 and played some link screen co-op. Freaking awesome...we did pretty well for only spending like, 10 bucks. Alas, it was not enough to beat the game, so that would have to be saved for another time.

After the arcade, and some more exploration, we headed back up to the room for a bit. I took the insanely sexy shot below, and sent it to Lynn, because...I dunno. I thought it would be funny. =P!

After hanging out in the room for a while, we decided to drive around for a while. On the way out of the parking garage, I stopped to get the following shots:

A shot of the MGM Grand from the lot. Beautiful color...loved it.

Second shot of the Grand. Once again, awesome.

A second shot of the Reno hotel. Much better at night!

One of my favorite shots from that night. An AWESOME view of the Mandalay Bay hotel and the Luxor hotel, both in one shot. So cool!

Got the moon and the MGM in the same shot. Coolness.

On the trip around town, I felt inspired and took some pictures and video, which I will present to you now:

The Bellagio at night. The only thing I missed seeing was that damn, I really wanted to see that thing!

Below are some videos I took from the car, of the various sights. Pardon any bad language or incessant ramblings. I'm embarassed about both things. Well, not really:

Part one of three of my video tour of Vegas!

Part two of three of my video tour!

Part four of three...haha, I'm keeding! The final part of my idiotic ramblings!

Hopefully you enjoyed my "comedic" stylings! Anyway, after exploring the main area, we headed out to the Stratosphere, since we heard it was bomb as hell! We headed inside and went to the bathroom, since it had been a while. When I came out, Dad was on the slots...haha, oh Dad! We headed upstairs, bought our tickets for the ride/tour, and got in line. While in line, I met my future wife...the second most beautiful thing in the world (after Emily, of course). The girl was gorgeous...she did an Emily-like look at her boyfriend, and I was hooked. Beautiful, long, curly brunette hair. Greek-type look to her, very fit, wonderful body. Heavenly voice. Ahhhh...I saw her probably three more times around the Strato, but never got to talk to her...of course. Oh mystery girl...

So, we finally got to head up to the top, and OH what a sight it is. You can see frigging EVERYTHING from the top of that thing. I took a few pictures, to prove it to you, as well as my final video of the post:

One shot from the top. The green rectangle is the MGM Grand. The hotel in the front, with the cursive name, is the Wynn. The Wynn has probably the coolest LCD Monitor advertisement screen EVER out front of the hotel. EVER.

A blurry shot of Stardust (Carlin was doing stand-up there that weekend) and the Bellagio (I believe) behind it.

A shot of most every hotel on The Strip (which is straight out in front of me there). The Rio is the red and blue in the upper right corner. Sahara right down on the bottom. Wynn, MGM, Bellagio, Mandalay, Reno. They're all there, baby!

Who in the hell is that handsome devil? Ha, I'ma juss keeding!

My last vid, from the top of the Strato, yo.

After some videos and pictures, we headed down and went back to the MGM. We went in to the casino, and saw Dennis freaking Miller heading out of the casino in a hurry, apparently fresh off a show or something. I decided I was kind of tired, so I went to the elevators, and Dad decided to stay down and hit the slots a little bit. When I got to the elevators, I was shocked and amazed to see Mr. Miller trying to catch an elevator up. Some girls asked for his picture, and when they were done, I timidly asked for one. He said sure, and we both hopped in an elevator. I got the picture you see below:

Haha, he looks kind of shocked or confused or something. I look...well...kinda fat, actually. Grr.

Anyway, Dennis was really nice. Some people got on the elevator and asked him how his night was. He said he just wrapped up two shows, but Carlin and Seinfeld were both in town, so he had no idea how he could compete with that. We all cordially agreed that his show was better than theirs', for damn sure. I could tell you that without going to any of the three. The other people got off, so it was just me and him again. I sat there in silence, then uttered something that sounded like "man, I really wish I could think of something interesting to say." He responded by saying "it's ok, I don't really have anything to fire back with" or something along those lines. Funny stuff...maybe you had to be there. Eventually, it hit my floor, and I got off, to which Dennis wished me a very nice evening, and I gladly returned the sentiment. I pretty much ran to my room, got inside, and immediately called the LJ Phone Post line, since I needed to tell someone, anyone, about what just happened. Eventually, I dozed off to sleep, and that was the end of Friday night. What a first day!

I woke up at 6:30 on Saturday morning...ouch. Although, that is 8:30 CST, so that seemed normal, I guess. We went downstairs and messed around some more on the slots, then decided to head out to see the Hoover Dam. On the way out, we stopped by IHOP for breakfast, at which I had an excellent omelette. Mmmm...omelette du fromage...heh. After that, we finally left for the Dam. I fell asleep on the way big surprise, since I was tired as hell. We finally got there, and drove around to a few different places, getting some shots, then eventually paid the five bucks to park in the official area, then got some more pics:

That was a shot from our first parking spot. It's a shot of the backside of the Dam.

A second, higher up shot, of the Dam's backside.

A shot of the bottom of the Dam. LOOOOOOONG freaking way down.

A shot of the top of the Dam. Couldn't even fit the top and bottom into the same shot. Place is huge!

Another shot of the bottom.

This cool looking angel statue I saw on the way out of the main Dam area. Not sure of the story behind them.

The full piece, both angels included.

After the Dam, we headed home to get some rest. After an hour or so, we decided to go get some lunch. We stopped by the pizza place again in the Grand, and got that awesome pizza again (actually, Dad had chinese food, but no matter). After that, we went back down into the arcade to finally finish of Time Crisis 3. Forty minutes and thirty dollars (ouch) later, we had beaten the game. WOO! We had about ten bucks left, so we tried out House Of The Dead 3, which was a pretty damn good game (love the shotgun controller. Friggin epic). By the time that ended, it was getting near 5 or so. We had picked up tickets for Penn and Teller at the Rio, so we wanted to leave for there around 6 or so, just to have enough time to check out the hotel and everything. After a quick cleanup and stuff, we headed out to the Rio.

After finding a parking spot, we headed inside to pick up our tickets. We had heard there was general admin, so I hung out and waited in line while Dad ran to get something to drink. During that time, Penn Jillette and Mike Jones (the pianist playing before P&T) passed by me, in street garb. Penn looked totally different...his hair was all down, he was in shorts and stuff. Pretty crazy, actually. Dad came back and said that we actually had assigned seats, so we were free to roam. We wandered around and found an awesome gift shop, at which I found a (hopefully) cool present for a "certain someone". I really hope she likes jumped right out at me, so I guess I'll see soon enough. Right outside of the shop, I got a picture of a show that was going on in the middle of the casino:

Yeah, apparently they put on shows right in the middle of the casino. Crazy!

After that whole thing, we headed back to the car, and I called Ryan back, since he had called to see what was up. After a couple of minutes of gabbing, I let him go, since we were going to head inside. We eventually got into the theater and took our seats when I saw a giant box and envelope on stage, as well as a man playing piano and a man playing bass. Suddenly, what Dave said to me in LJ made sense, so I told Dad we should go up on the stage:

I totally stealthed these photos, which explains the crappy quality, since you're not supposed to take pictures and all that. Pfft, rules...mwahaha! Penn is the one standing up, playing bass. Like Dave said, dude can jam like crazy.

There it is. "The Box". Mike kept telling people to come onstage so they could sign an envelop and look at a box. We did both. I was very happy that I did...I totally would've regretted not doing it, so thanks Dave! The show eventually started, and it was awesome. AWESOME. You must all see them live, sometime in your lifetime. I won't go into the entire set, but the opening bit was basically them performing a cool magic trick, then giving a big "fuck you" to magicians out there by showing how it was done in an insanely comedic fashion. FUCKING PHENOMENAL. Anyway, it was a great time...they ended with the magic bullet trick, which was very, very cool. Love that trick, and they made it look awesome. After the trick, they ran right out of the theater, so we all headed out. In an awesome twist, they were both waiting in different areas outside of theater, allowing people to take pictures and get autographs. Dad and I both got our picture taken with both Penn and Teller, as well as autographs from the both of them:

That man is gigantic. Cool as hell though, and very friendly. Love that guy!

For a guy that doesn't talk during the show, Teller had some very nice things to say. Great guy. Both of them are such good guys. MASSIVE respect for them.

After that whole thing, we were pretty drained, so we headed back to the MGM, and pretty much went right to bed. I managed to pull out one more Phone Post before bed, but it wasn't much, so I kept it short. We woke up for our final day at around 7:30, which was a bit better. Back To The Future was on TBS, so we watched some of that and I played some PSP. After a while, we got the room picked up and went down to do some last minute shopping, during which I found something nice for someone I promised a present to. Nothing big, just know. Yeah. After that last round of shopping, we headed upstairs to get all checked out. We hit the slots a few more times, then bid the MGM a fond farewell. I was going to miss that was awesome. I took a few last shots from the room, just for the hell of it:

A decent shot of Caesar's Palace and the Bellagio.

New York, New York. Viva!

The Monte Carlo. Woo.

Ahh, the Rio. That was place freaking nice. If I didn't stay at MGM, I would love to stay there.

The cool-ass fountain near the elevator area, in the MGM. Very fancy and such.

We headed out of the MGM and to the car. On the way to the airport, we stopped to get some gas for the car, and then were going to hit Jack In The Box. However, Kitty advised me to go to In-N-Out instead, so we went there, and were not disappointed. Excellent burgers there. YUM YUM! After lunch, we dropped off the car and headed back to the airport via the shuttle bus. After an annoying wait in line at the airport, we finally got through and made it on to the plane. We sat next to this cool guy from Sweden named Victor. Very nice guy...spoke pretty damn good English for being native to and living in Sweden. The flight back was kinda bumpy at times, but we made it, so that's all that matters. After another annoying wait to get to our proper gate, we finally got off the plane, picked up our luggage, and met Grandma and my aunt Kathy outside to go home.

After I got home, I popped on the amazing ECW PPV, watched the rest of that (since it was still on, live), then rewound and watched my VHS copy, since I missed the first hour and a half. Amazing show. Utterly mindblowing. Probably the best PPV in YEARS, and I've seen some awesome ones.

Anyway, that's about it for my weekend. Work was work, but Lynn and Anya were cool, so yeah. Emily also called today, and sounded WAY more chipper and cheerful than usual, so that made our conversation really nice. We talked about Vegas...I would totally go there with her (and other people, if they wanted to go). That would be awesome. After work, I headed out to T-Mobile to try to fix my Sidekick, which actually got fixed at no cost (stupid battery was just completely drained. Grr). After that, I headed to Chipotle for some dinner and saw my new future wife. Gorgeous girl...WOW. Better yet...she works at Babies R Us in the Arbor Lakes area. Booyah! Maybe I'd actually have a shot with her...hahaha.

After dinner, I took a nap, watched the end of Raw, and then started working on this thing, which has taken over two hours so far. Whoa! Hopefully you guys enjoy it. Anyway, I'm tired as hell. If you read the whole thing, looked at every picture, and watched every video, thank you. I appreciate your viewing my "hard" work. Love you guys, it's very nice to be back. At GS tomorrow, woot woot. Thanks for reading, out!
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