The Birthday Update Part 2

Jun 03, 2005 09:10

I awoke from my slumber at 6:45 AM. Yeah. I'm insane. Why the hell would I wake up at 6:45 AM on my birthday? The bars aren't open yet...none of my few friends are conscious enough to hold a conversation...I guess I just felt like getting up.

First thing I noticed was a message on my phone. My Kitty had called at 12:02 to wish me a Happy Birthday. What a sweetheart. =) After I got dressed and all that, I headed out to Maple Grove to sit in line at Satan's Asshole (inside joke, kinda). License renewal and new tabs cost me 58 bucks. Ouch. My DL picture is going to look like shite too...I actually took the beanie off and tried to do something with my mop, but it wasn't havin' it. Shame.

After the service center, I ventured off to Grove Square Shinder's to see Emily, because I'm happy when I see Emily. She welcomed me with a big hug, which was awesome. I love her hugs/hugging her. We chatted for a bit about stuff. Found out a shocking turn of events, which I voiced my displeasure about in a quite...rude...manner. I'm very much one way or the other. I either bottle shit down and don't talk about it, or I go off and voice my opinion very bluntly and's rarely in between that, but I can do it. Like I said to her, I still love her more than...well, you know. Everything? I just don't agree with her choice, at all. Some (typically good) people get no chances. Some...other...people, get multiple. Funny lil' world we live in. You girls will understand it all someday.

Anyway, Steph invited me out to the bar that night, to buy me a drink and celebrate. I declined, not out of any...whatever...towards Steph, cause I love Steph. Just because I didn't feel like going out and drinking. I was being a rebelious birthday boy.

I left Grove and headed over to my Grandma's to say hi. My Grandma isn't doing so hot...seeing her try to get around, and muster up enough strength to do the simplest of tasks she had no problem doing a year's tough. She couldn't/wouldn't eat the sandwiches Mom made for her, so I made her up a waffle for lunch. Luckily, she ate that, but one single waffle just isn't much food. I don't know what to think. I'm starting to get the hint that her time is getting close, but I really hope that's just that worrying side of me shining through, as it usually does.

I got a call from my bro Mike while at Grandma's, so after I left there, I headed over to my Dad's to see him and Mike. They were getting the place set up for a party (not mine), so I hung out for a while and even helped out a little bit (on my birthday! I know). Dad and I went to grab some lunch at DQ. We had a good chat there, as I typically do with him, chatting about Vegas plans and all kinds of things. That trip is going to be so cool. After lunch, I took off to work, to go pick up my new comics.

Right when I walked in, I saw Lynn, so I went around the counter, picked her up and gave a giant hug (as promised from a few days back). I love that girl. She's become such a good friend to talk to...always a very good listener. Fun to hang out with, even though it's usually Halo playing (sorry! =/ ) I've lucked out pretty well when it comes to Shinder's people I get close to.

Anyway, I picked up my comics and all that...not much else to tell about CG, really. Joe was there...yesterday was the last day I'll see him in three months. I am going to miss that bastard so much. In the beginning, a year and a half ago, to say I didn't care much for Joe would be an understatement. The problem with Joe, though, is not necessarily something wrong with him, but how he appears to...or is perceived by...people. He isn't given a chance to grow on you, and I certainly didn't give him one at first. He's blunt, he's real, he speaks his mind, and he has a very deadpan style of humor. He's also hilarious, fun to gab and goof around with, and can be a very caring person, despite the demeanor he often exhibits. Oh, and he introduced me to Alias, which is one of my more favorite shows now. I've been told that I tend to grow on people quite quickly...well, if you want to meet someone who grows on you even more quickly, you must meet Joe. The CG crew is all pretty heartbroken to lose him, if only for three months. =/

After my trip to work, I headed home to make plans for dinner with my Mom. We decided on TGI Fridays, which was cool by me. I met her and my step-dad Dave there, which was a nice surprise. We chatted about things...that was nice, seeing as how I had a lot on my mind over the past few weeks. Dinner itself was very good...mmm, steak and shrimp. Oh, and the potatoes were freaking amazing too. Lynn called during dinner, so as we were leaving, I called her back. We chatted about work stuff and the comic reorder for a little bit, when Eric rang in on the other line. He sang me a birthday song, which was pretty awesome, and we talked about work and stuff. Good old drama filled Shinder's. Can't seem to escape it no matter what happens. He asked me about going out tonight, but I didn't feel much up to it. He said Emily didn't have a really good day (she's my achilles heel...I'd bend over backwards and lick make her feel better), and he didn't have a really super couple of days either, and they wanted a nice night out. So, I finally agreed to Wild Wings at 9:30. I went home, cleaned up a smidge (I still smelt like ass), and got ready to leave.

When I was getting ready, I got a phone call from some guy in the 701. He wished me a happy birthday, but I had no idea who he was. He said "is this Stan?" My reply was "oh, no, this is Matt, but hey, it is my birthday today!" Haha! So, he wished me a happy birthday, and we both went our seperate ways. Fucking crazy, man...I've never had a wrong number call quite like that. Epic.

I headed off to BWW, and Eric, Lynn and Dave (sans Shinder's ball and chain) were already there. Dave had IM'd me about plans, so I told him about B Dubs, since Dave is cool as hell to chill with. Shortly after that, Lynn's friend Kristi showed up. She's quite the quiet girl, but it's ok. I did enough talking/shouting for three people. We were talking about recent Shinder's events, when we got to one that might make Robb laugh. So, I walked out to the vestibule...I believe that entry way to B Dubs can be classified as a vestibule...anyway, I called him. He didn't realize it was my b-day, so he said he may try to stop up to hang with us for a while. As I was chatting with him, Mike and Hot Christina (haha! =P ) came in and said hi, then headed over to where we were sitting. Robb ended up not making it, same with Emily, but the crew we had was pretty good. Mike and I would rant on and on about technical mumbo jumbo and video games, and Lynn and Christina would look (and laugh) at us like we're a bunch of nerds. Oh...wait. Eric and Dave and I ranted about sports and Shinder's and a certain couple of stupid people that will remain nameless because...just because. They don't read this anyway, but still. I also had some unexplained affinity towards a plastic fork, which I played around with for the better part of an hour.

We hung out for another hour-plus, and then made our ways home. I got home and pretty much went to bed right away. I was insanely tired.

To cap off my birthday wishes, I awoke this morning to a nice birthday wish on AIM from my Bittay. Awww. I miss her. <3

Anyway, I had a pretty excellent birthday. Everyone seemed to be working extra hard to make my day great, and I so appreciate don't even know. My apologies for the long, non-cut entry, but I don't have to cut it! That's my birthday present from LJ. =P

I'm off to go buy some CDs and pick up my new phone. Woo woo. Have a good day you guys...this'll probably be the last public entry for a while, so for those that are intruiged by me, you'll just have to...subscribe... >_> Haha.

Thank you guys, thank you girls. <3
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