Time to hype myself even more.

Mar 19, 2005 01:31

So, Ben, my comic boss guy at CO, got to see "Sin City" last night. That lucky bastard. We chatted about it for ten minutes or so today, and...well...yeah. He said it was phenomenal...everything you could hope for and more...BUT. The version he saw, supposedly, is the unrated version, and won't be presented as three seperate stories. No...in the theatrical cut, all three movies will be integrated into one, and there might be some things cut from the movie to get it down to an "R" rating. Now, this could just be speculation, and there won't be many, if any, cuts...but, who knows. All we know is that the DVD is confirmed to be viewable as the theatrical release (all three stories together), or each story individually. Whether or not the "R" rated and the "Unrated" versions are both included are another thing, but with "Unrated" DVDs being as popular as they are these days, I wouldn't see them passing up a golden opportunity to sell two versions (hell, I'd buy both).

The important thing is, though, that the movie, in whichever cut you see, is supposed to be absolutely, 100% amazing. BEST. EVER. And I don't doubt Ben, cause he knows his shit...I can't wait to see it for myself.

Anyway, to hype myself, and you guys, even more (two weeks from yesterday! Woo!), I've located the theme from the trailer, and set it as my background music. It's called "Cells" by a UK band named "The Servant." If you'd like the 128kb version, and not the 64kb version in the background, click here to download it. Awesome song. I'll probably change my user pic (who wants to see my ugly mug =P ) in the coming days, just so everything is on a total "Sin City" theme. Woot.

On a totally different subject, I'm watching Degrassi: TNG. Yes, Dave, I'm actually watching it...it's on On Demand, in "The N" listings. Interesting stuff...they only have episode three and four right now. It's some...election bullshit, or something. I don't know...I'm confused, but eh, like there's anything else to watch. Ooooh...some Ashley slizzo (har har! Narf!) just bribed some kid to quit the school President race thing for 50 bucks...ooh, now 60...oh damn, 65...OH SHIZ! 80 BUCKS!? TAKE IT KID, TAKE IT!

Ooooook...it's my day off tomorrow...today...whatever. I'm tired, despite sleeping from 6 PM to 12 AM, right after work...three cheers for those with lives. Lots more of nothing tomorrow...oooh, except, I still have comics to read, and Alias to watch. Hmm.




I just bought The Servant's self-titled CD off of GEMM, basically just because of "Cells." The music and movie industry loves me, because I buy into hype. And buy everything related to/with hype. RAWR.
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