A few tidbits.

Mar 15, 2005 08:03

- The Incredibles comes out on DVD today. I've never seen it before, but I hear it's awesome. PHENOMENAL, if you will.

- You ever notice how you're with a person, and they're somewhat...I guess, reserved...although that's not a very fitting descriptor? Anyway, my point is...OH MY GOD, LYNN SAID "FUCK" IN HER LIVEJOURNAL! WHAAAAAAAAAA? I don't think I've ever heard that girl even utter a "shit" in person, so imagine the shock I received when I saw a bunch of "fuck"s just hangin out, doin their thang. CRAZYNESS. It's funny. Really. It is.

- PSP comes out in nine days. Nine. NINE! AHHHHHHH! I cannot wait. CANNOT WAIT! All the ladies are gonna be swarming all over me when I get mine. Do you want ladies swarming all over you, ripping and tearing at your clothing? Buy a PSP. Send thanks and monetary payment to...*address withheld upon request*

- "Sin City" drops in 17 days. It looks so good...oh god. I mean...if you've read the books...and you know the effort that's gone in to this film...and all the work they've done to perfectly TRANSLATE, not adapt, it to film...it's so beautiful. I see an absolute 0% chance of it failing. There's no way. You're all welcome to join Ryan and me on opening day. Arbor Lakes. Be there, or be two identical length right angles joined at the points, muthafuckas.

- Season Four of "The Shield" starts tonight. Watch it. I beg of you. It's an amazing show. Come over and watch it with me, so I can annoyingly fill you in on all three seasons. Do it. Do it. DO EEEEET.

- Listen to "Paradise" by Eyedea & Abilities. One of the best songs I should've listened to a year ago. If you don't have access to it, I'll put it up on my MySpace profile sometime soon. It's really fucking good.

OOOOOOOK, I gotta run. Need to make it to Target in time to open with Emily II. Love and kisses. Late.
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