Jan 30, 2009 05:51
I will probably have another post later, tomorrow, even, about nostalgia. Right now, my mind is a little too blown.
I found files that were saved from kindergarten and preschool. My mom is an education professional, so it makes sense that we have psychological batteries of me from when I was 3 years old, but it's weird to think that my parents have been studying me since before I really existed.
And I've always felt that I am somehow separate from my younger selves, not even remotely the same person. But apparently I have always existed.
"Michael is a very smart and creative boy. He sometimes becomes easily frustrated, but he should grow out of it over the course of the year."
The second part was never true!
Apparently drawing comics instead of listening in class didn't develop spontaneously in middle school, either. I almost refused to learn to write in favor of drawing little comic pictograms.
Basically I am weirded out. It's strange to know that so many elements of my personality were so deeply ingrained in me. It almost feel like I've never made a choice about myself that wasn't predictable from day one.
Nice to know I've always been a genius, though. Do normal children do basic arithmetic at age 3?
One more thing, from a booklet of drawings I made and my... father, I think, labeled and bound.
"A wind-up truck
A wind-up airplane
A wind-up santa and reindeer
A wind-up submarine
A wind-up funny monster
A wind-up space dog
A wind-up mouse
A wind-up octopus from space."
Apparently even as a tiny thing I already knew what was what: ticking parts, space, spacedogs, and spacetopi.
wind-up space dog,