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Jan 22, 2008 07:38

came to  work early this morning and on the way i saw a car that had rear-ended a school bus.  that school bus really laid the smack down on that car.  the whole front end was crumpled up.  in related news, i got my car back late last week and it's been fine so far.

if someone asks me today how my weekend was, i think i can effectively say that it pretty much sucked.  at least the latter half of it.  i drank way too much friday night with randy, jess, mary jo, and rob and ended up sleeping on randy and jess's couch.  saturday i bowled with matt, liz, colin, brandi, tall dave, and gauck and then matt and i went to see alien vs. predator: requiem.  it wasn't good, but the most annoying part about it was that it was just too dark.  not dark as in the material, but the actual lighting.  i couldn't see anything.

when i got to the house on sunday, i discovered the furnance had broke.....and it was 32 degrees inside.  my dad and blade came over and we stood around stamping our feet and followed the sun squares as they came through the windows.  the furnace got fixed eventually....but i discovered yesterday that more damge had been done:  a pipe in the bathroom downstairs had frozen and burst.  home warranties suck balls, by the way.  none of this shit is covered.  for whatever reason.

but i'm trying to be optimisitc.  erin comes home today and that is big cause for yays.  i shaved off my four day beard and for some reason that made me feel better.

i've been listening to a lot of tegan and sara lately.  but not right now. 
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