(no subject)

Nov 19, 2007 15:40

 i got some speakers via my dad via my aunt and hooked them up to my laptop here at work today.  they're not too bad.  they're old altec lansings (2 satellites and a subwoofer) and the sound is pretty decent.  i can't turn them up too loud as i don't wish to piss off the neighbors, but i got in early today and tested them out.

a few people who sit pretty close to me (one in my row) have cleaned out their desks.  apparently, that's the end of the layoffs so maybe i'm safe for a while.  at times i think a layoff might not be such a bad thing, but of course i'm saying that when i have a job.

today i also got my 5 year service award.  the actual anniversary was 10/21, but i think h.r. works a little slow around here.  so now i have to decide what gift i want.  a watch?  i already have two.  a ring?  i'm not really a ring guy.  a rice cooker?  probably not.

i'm leaving in 15 minutes to go look at houses.  keep your fingers crossed.

on tom's suggestion, i picked up call of duty 2 on the ps2 platform because i couldn't find it for xbox.  i played a few missions last night and was pleased.  graphically it's not as good as 3, but maybe that's more the difference between the two platforms than the actual games.  i may break down and buy a 360 some day.  then tom will talk to me again instead of turning up his nose every time i mention video games.

i've written the first draft of the prologue for a novel.  it's okay.  i've started the first chapter and it came out strong, but now i feel it's dwindling and self doubt starts to creep in.  i find it easier to write long-hand first because it seems less permanent somehow.  once it's in a Word document it somehow becomes more serious, more of a finished product (even though i know it isn't).  i need to buckle down and focus and stop being so distracted, stop making so many excuses.

i finished reading the watchmen last night and enjoyed it quite a bit.  now i can give it back to blade.  i started in on another alan moore book, from hell; years ago i saw the movie and liked it.  i'm sure the graphic novel is a lot richer.

i'm done for the day.  time to pack up and drive down to norwood. 
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