get about as oiled as a diesel train

May 30, 2007 16:13

i know lots of people think goodbye yellow brick road is elton's best album, but i still think madman across the water is better.

i'm killing time before a meeting.  thomson has now blocked myspace, so i can't go on there and look at old high school classmates.  so it's this or wikipedia or the friday the 13th website to count up jason's kills.  (and that's not all that great, because they do it for you.)

i had a shit day of those that holly golightly calls the "mean reds."  the thing of it was, i could never pinpoint exactly what made it so.  it's the kind of day where you're pissed off about something and you try to find reasons to justify the fact that you're mad.  last night i went to the pool to read and possibly have a swim, but it was crowded and too loud so i gave up.  i spent the rest of the evening paying bills, doing laundry, ironing, playing bass, and starting the first few scenes of beach house.  i haven't partied that hard since college.

tonight it's over to greg's.

tour de cure on saturday and if you're interested in donating/supporting me, please go here:

(This is a bike ride to raise money to find a cure for diabetes and has nothing to do with Robert Smith, Disentigration, or "A Letter to Elise.")

If anything else, you can see a hot picture of me in socks.  Sexy times.

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