and we'll get to know each other for a second time...

May 22, 2007 08:04

another fish died was one of the newer unnamed fish but now i'm down to four in a 15 gallon tank.

i'm having lunch with jess today, which should be good.  i need to figure out how to actually get to the place.

i sat on the porch last night and tried to read but i couldn't concentrate so i called amy, drove over to her place, and we went to half price books.  there are nights when i'm just restless, when i can't concentrate on what i want to do, and i'm questioning decisions i've so recently made.  amy and i talked some...about recent things in her life and the same in mine.

the zombies wrote a song about a girl coming home from prison.  how awesome is that?  they also did one about "a rose for emily", one of my favorite faulkner stories.

Good morning to you I hope you're feeling better, baby
Thinking of me while you are far away
Counting the days until they set you free again
Writing this letter hoping you're okay

Saved you the room you used to stay in every Sunday
The one that is warmed by sunshine every day
And we'll get to know each other for a second time
And then you can tell me 'bout your prison stay...
anyway, odyssey and oracle is a good album (even if they did spell it 'odessey').

kelly came out on saturday and took pictures at langen meats for a project she's been working on for her photography class.  i'm itching to see the final results.  i know there's at least one of me drinking a beer in the back room.  so much for hard work.

have you ever been puzzled by a styrofoam container in your refrigerator and then even more puzzled when you opened it to discover three pieces of bacon in it?  this is puzzling because i usually keep pretty good track of my leftovers.  i don't really eat bacon so it was odd to me that i would have leftover bacon.  you know who does eat bacon?  erin.  and when she gets it at a restaurant she apparently saves the leftovers.  for the dog.  but leaves it in my refrigerator.  which causes me to scratch my head in front of an open fridge at 5:45 in the morning.  i think erin enjoys this, even though she makes a very innocent claim of  "oh, i just forgot it."  sure....

matt is coming over tonight so we can start work on the next two screenplays.  this morning, i started writing out the stage play i've been kicking around and i've got the fourth page of a story wound into the typewriter.  that one needs to get finished.  i haven't finished any short stories in a while.  i read blade's novel over the weekend and i need to type up some notes for him....

okay.  that's it.  i must fill my water cup and get to work. 
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