(no subject)

May 21, 2007 08:13

i went to my parents' house yesterday and washed the taurus in preparation of turning it over to my cousin.  it was a good day and at its conclusion, i found myself sitting in the kitchen with them discussing religion. the interesting part was finding out that our beliefs are not so dissimilar....and a lot of the questions i've had lately, my parents struggled with as well.  i could go on and on, but it's probably not that interesting to anyone but me.

an email out of the blue this morning.....
it's been over a year since the last one.
and like usual, i don't know what to do with it....

i can't concentrate this morning.  i finished reading rebecca over the weekend and liked it; it will be interesting to see hitchcock's interpretation of it.  i've started reading special topics in calamity physics, a book one of my marketing managers let me borrow.

i also finished 5 issues of escape of the living dead, which wasn't very good.  the plot is barely there and the writing is poor.

i'm off to do reviews.

"i've waited hours for this
i've made myself so sick
i wish i'd stayed asleep today...."
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