Very Heated Debate!!

Jul 20, 2011 22:09

I find this debate really interesting, from both the perspective of planning to be a parent one day, and also as an early childhood professional, learning about children's development and the impact of play-based learning, particularly roleplay, on the way they think and the development of certain beliefs about themselves and the world.

I found it interesting that, even though one of the mothers who commented about the doll believed that breastfeeding was natural and had chosen to breastfeed her own children, she still subconsciously regards it as something somehow dirty, given that she feels the need to hide it in her own home environment. Not surprising really, given that she was probably raised (as the rest of us girls were) with little toy bottles to feed her baby with, and storybooks that never even mention breastfeeding, only ever depicting bottlefeeding in their pages.

I would never include this doll in the toys provided in my Family Day Care, as it is far too controversial and would only be appropriate if ALL of the parents of the children in my care approved of it, and I highly doubt that. However, from a personal perspective, I really fail to see what all the fuss is about. I do not understand why people think this doll, or encouraging knowledge of breastfeeding in general, is disgusting, dirty, wrong. I remember as a child, when the pregnant barbie came out, and my mum thought it was disgusting, and far too adult a concept for young children. One of my friends had one, and I got to play with it. It didn't scar me, or "oversexualise" me, or any such thing. In fact, it was pretty well a non event in the grand scheme of what is my life. The children in the newsreport video at the top of the above-linked article didn't seem all that scarred or oversexualised to me, either.

Anyway, that's just my thoughts on the subject. I'm interested to know what others think about this stuff. Especially if you're against it, I would appreciate to know why you feel this way, as it would help me understand the alternate point of view better. (I always like to be able to see both sides.)

thinky thoughts, update

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