jennbrad52 and
dragonsinger954 both got letters from Jo today after having sent her AMAZING gift of the crafty persuasion. And I got a little jealous (hey, I'm admitting it) because I've never had the guts to write her a letter myself. Actually, that's untrue. I've written her about 1000 times, but have never had the nerve to send it along. That changes today. I've written her, and will be enclosing a CD of the Greatest Harry Potter filks of all time (IMHO, of course).
My question is, OMG, which songs do I include?! I am not just going to send her MY stuff, or the Leaky Sister's stuff...I want to send a great, collaborative CD with some HP filk CLASSICS on it (that I will give proper credit for on the CD jewel case, of course). Like Prophecy by Bandersnatch and Weirdsis. (duh, a must) So, I'm placing a call out for all of you who don't have plans and want to have a say in what goes on the CD of filks I'm sending to Jo. What goes on it?!
For ideas, you can go to:
Swish And FilkFilkCast: Potter StylePotterCast Extra #1 (FilkCast)PotterCast Extra #2 (FilkCast #2)PotterCast #18 (A Special Holiday FilkCast)PotterCast #26 (Green As A Fresh Pickled Toad - The Valentine's FilkCast)PotterCast #57 (Broadway Filks #1)PotterCast #58 (Broadway Filks #2)PotterCast #59 (It's A Dark Mark Life)PotterCast #68 (Holiday Filks, Part 1)PotterCast Extra (Holiday Filks, Part 2) Comments are appreciated! Good luck, and thanks for your help!