Therefore, feel free to ignore this, because it is full of Random Stuff that I am thinking of and perhaps trying to organise just a little in my head. My head is a Very Disorgansed Place. So disorganised it needs capitals for emphasis. Ah, I'm so silly.
Ants are invading my computer desk. This makes me very not happy, because I do not like bugs. Not. At. All. I am firmly of the opinion that the world would not miss bugs if they all happened to just disappear. Which is a terrible thing to think (OMG mass animal genocide = not good for the environment, you silly, silly girl! Pfft), but I really don't like bugs. They're all...well, buggy. And then the silly ants made me have to figure out how to dismantle my keyboard yesterday to get them out of it. Silly, silly ants. Go bug someone else's desk. Please.
It's almost Christmas time. Yay! for five roasts, boo! for present shopping. I only get roast turkey and roast pork at Christmas time,because Dad doesn't like turkey and Mum doesn't like pork. Though I do get a smattering of beef, lamb and chook throughout the rest of the year. Also, I suck at shopping for presents, and just tend to give people generic vouchers. It would help if I wasn't living here, whre the two clothes shops only stock shitty Billabong-esque labels that cost about $60 for a t-shirt. RIPOFF. And when the nearest place with decently priced stuff is 3 hours away, it's a little far to travbel for a $30 max Secret Santa pressie. Yeah, thnk I'll just go with the voucher idea. Perhaps to one of the clothes shops, and she can just pick out whatever (her being the friend I am secretly Santa-ing for).
I think I'm almost enjoying work. Not so much because of what I'm doing, since I hate hate HATE deliveries with a passion (I almost always manage to stuff them up somehow), and there hasn't yet been a day I didn't need a supervisor to come do a void when I scanned something too many times (24pk Cokes, I'm looking at YOU!). But, actually having money, and a means of earning it independantly from my parents, is absolutely awesome. I can actually pay for my own phone credit, lol. I have done about 1 hours of work this week. Phew.
Ha, I just noticed the ad at the side of this page. It is silly. It has a frog at a typewriter. So very silly. (Well, a erson in a Kermit-esque frog suit, but let's not nitpick, self)
My nana's dog died on Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning (ie overnight). My mother told me this after a four hour 10-2 shift at work. I cried for about five minutes, before trying to calm down for five minutes since I had to drive my nana home, and I'm pretty sure no one recommends drivig with fogged-up, teary glasses. That dog was nearly as old as I am (only one year ounger). I had known her almost all of my life, and certainly for as long as I can remember. She was a lovely dog, and I'll miss her. On the pluus side, she died in er bed, after having her favourite dinner on her final night in this world. At least she went out in about the best way possible.
Well, maybe I should stop rambling here. Anyway, that's pretty much been my week. Kinda, if you can decipher the rambling.
*N.B: Either my keyboard or LJ hates me, becase random letters keep getting eated. If there are typos, blame those culprits. :)