Apr 10, 2010 21:38
Seriously, they are. We went out to the pub for dinner tonight, and thare were about fifty of them flying around inside. And since when have grasshoppers been attracted to light?
It got so bad that the pub staff wrote up on their specials board:
Grasshopper casserole on rice
(Catch and kill your own) $0
...and that was the sole special left.
On a more serious note, apparently it's supposed to be a pretty bad year for them. It's not going to be pretty for all the farmers out there if I can't walk a block in a residential area of town without having to swim through a cloud of the little buggers.
Also, have not forgotten prompts. I'm still working on them to get them to a point where I'm happy with them, One day I might even get around to posting them :/
bad joke,
boring shit