mjdlight: and what does lohan do?
mjdlight: it all makes sense
paangsofsilence: well, not anymore! she is clean now, remember
mjdlight: the peanut gallery just went to images.google.com to look at her mugshot
mjdlight: and they giggled
mjdlight: that is the greatest celeb mugshot ever
mjdlight: destroyed the old nick nolte champion
paangsofsilence: oh, i don't know about that
paangsofsilence: nick nolte's was epic
mjdlight: it was
mjdlight: but look at those bloodshot, cocaine eyes
mjdlight: the utterly vacant stare
mjdlight: it transcends a mere mugshot
mjdlight: it is a reflection of this country's search for something more
mjdlight: and only finding empty headed celebrities looking back at us
paangsofsilence: world is full of crashing bores
mjdlight: exactly
mjdlight: america 2007
mjdlight: there it is
mjdlight: the empire in its waning days
mjdlight: we appear strong
mjdlight: but underneath, we are much less
mjdlight: like lohan without her stylists
mjdlight: that image, along with bush's chimp mannerisms, will be the ones I take from this decade
paangsofsilence: and britney's vulva, of course